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Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon's blog: posts about spiritual lessons, her work and her services
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Dear People,

One of the things that happen the most when you live a vibrant and happy life is that you are starting to notice that you will be called to more and more situations and that most of them might become 'more difficult' with time. Listening to your intuition will become easier, but the situations it wants to resolve will have greater stakes, but also greater rewards. Change is one of the hardest things for all humans, as we tend to like things to stay predictable.

Even so, here are some interesting examples in my business life that you can see have increased stakes.

Renting my first space
When I just started out, I mostly worked at people's homes and was still wondering how I was going to start up my business. I naturally spoke to other friends about starting my business, especially one that had rented a space for years already. I also attended a networking meeting where I met his landlord. I actually wrote an e-mail to him to see if anything was available.

I didn't hear back, so that was a bit of a bummer. But a few weeks later my intuition told me that I should send an e-mail again. I did and this time two spaces where available so I even had the choice to see what would work for me. The stakes weren't that high, because I could rent in a building that was going to be torn down so I could do month-by-month rent which is unusual for businesses. The rent also wasn't that high because of that. I told myself I'd try for 3 months, instead of going on holiday (around the same amount of money as 3 months rent) and if it didn't work out, I'd quit. So that was perfect for starting up.

Moving to my second space
Of course the building was eventually torn down, so just before we were all told we had to vacate. Most of us wanted to stay together and our landlord had acquired another building, but that one was significantly smaller. So, it was all fate if you could fit or not. Our landlord first made spaces available to larger companies and those that rented from him longer.

A lot of people told me to find another space, especially when the date to move out was approaching. My intuition however told me that I would find space in the new building. The stakes weren't that high, because I told myself that worst case scenario I'd work from home to make it work. I would then go find another space to rent for my business. However, imagine my delight when a space became available for me just a week before we were supposed to move out.

TV program
Of course being on TV would be great for me, but it was also quite a hefty business expense. I watched segments of the show, I thought about possibilities and I wondered what it would do for my business. It was quite interesting that my intuition told me to go for it. It was contrary to a lot of advice I was getting and the stakes were definitely higher, as it was a lot of money.

I did decide to listen and I am happy to report I did recoup that money and then some. I really do believe it was important for my business.

I my personal life I also notice that stakes have gone up and I'm able to make decisions that carry more risk if they 'go wrong' then I would have done a few years ago. However, the rewards also have been a lot bigger, which is wonderful. I'm eager to find out what joys are awaiting me for the future.

Want to share an intuitive story? Post a comment on the blog, LinkedIN, Facebook Fan Page or talk to me by e-mail or in the practice!
Dear People,

Today I'm writing some EFT sentences to help with moving on. We all have situations that haven't resolved the way we wanted to. That we feel were unfair or hurtful or that the other person didn't receive the punishment that they should have had. However, if we don't move on, we will leave a bit of ourselves in the past, while we need all of ourselves in the present.

So start reclaiming yourself by choosing to move on.
Moving on from anger
Even though I'm still upset about X, I choose to move on
Even though I'm still angry at Y, I choose to move on
Even though I want to hold on to my anger, I choose to move on 
Even though I want X to hurt, I choose to move on
Even though I wanted Y to happen, I choose to move on
Even though I'm angry that I didn't get what I wanted, I choose to move on
Even though I'm angry at how unfair it was, I choose to move on

Moving on from loss
Even though I want to hold on to Y, I choose to move on
Even though I want to hold on to Y, I know something better awaits me
Even though I want to hold on to Y, I deserve to be in the present
Even though I want to hold on to my old job, I choose to move on
Even though I want to hold on to my old lover, I choose to move on
Even though I want to hold on to my old house, I choose to move on
Even though I want to hold on to the old me, I choose to transform and move on
Even though I want to hold on to Y who passed away, I choose to carry them with me into the future

Moving on from guilt
Even though I still feel guilty, I choose to move on
Even though I still feel guilty, I forgive myself
Even though I still feel guilty, I deserve to be in the present
Even though I feel it's too late to make amends, I choose to move on
Even though I feel I can't solve the situation, I forgive myself and move on
Even though I feel I was really bad, I choose to move on
Even though I feel I need to suffer, I forgive myself and move on

Moving on from expectations 
Even though I expected things to go differently, I choose to move on
Even though I wanted things to go differently, I choose to move on
Even though things weren't perfect, I choose to move on
Even though the situation wasn't perfect, I choose to move on
Even though I wasn't perfect, I choose to move on
Even though I expected I could do X, I choose to move on
Event though I expected I would do X, I choose to move on

Want to chat about moving on in a healing way? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!

Dear People,

One of the questions I often get asked around this time of year is why I take the whole or usually at least 4 weeks off in December. I've been working in my own business for 10 years now and I think I've taken at least 5 Decembers off so far. The answer is a bit long, so it's nice to write it all down for once.

Family Time
It's normal for a lot of people to have family time in December, with Christmas and New Years around the corner. I can't prepare sessions, have sessions, be available for aftercare, take care of the administration and be able to enjoy time with family. I often work longer hours then just 40 a week, so to create some lovely Christmas dinners and to be present with them, I can't have active sessions. So even if I didn't close down the practice for the whole of December, I wouldn't work Christmas week in any case, since I'm responsible for the after care. Most of the after care is done around 2 days after sessions, when energy can still fluctuate.

Since I don't have kids that go to school, often we take the opportunity to leave for holidays abroad during times when it's off season and cheaper. I often don't close the practice down during the summer holidays, so we have gone on vacation around December. I love Christmas markets, but also winter sun. So we've been on many December holidays, mostly around the Canary Island (25 Celsius is wonderful!) and the beginning of December is often very reasonably priced.

Clean up time
When I close down the practice for the year for active sessions, I can then make time to do some 'ending things'. I always clean out the practice completely. I now make time to shop for necessary items and install them in the practice (or at home!). So December often sees me buying new phones or computer stuff, as well as chairs or other items. I throw out old paperwork and catch up on paperwork I didn't finish during busy weeks.

While other people love spring cleaning, I'm a December cleaning kind of person. I love starting the year clean and while I don't hold the superstition that unfinished business won't ever be finished, it's wonderful to finish up some loose ends and have some free time to do so.

New beginnings

December, as the end of the year, has a natural reflective energy for me. So I often start brainstorming on new ideas that I want to implement starting the new year. I have some talks with the paper to see how I want to advertise that year. I make a sort of 'year schedule' to see what workshops I want to host and what my goals are for the new year.

Usually this kind of information is very 'loose' as I might change things during the year, but it helps to see what matters to me.

So now you all know what I'm doing in my 'winter break' and why I don't have a summer one!

Have a question for me? Ask me in the practice or write me an e-mail, post it on the blog or Facebook Fan Page!
Dear People,

During life we make a lot of connections with others, but we also have a connection with different channels within ourselves. Sometimes pain, disappointment or loss removes us from our natural and healthy connections. If you feel lonely or if you would like healthier connections, these affirmations are for you.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.

Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).

Enhance your connection affirmations by listening to the 5 minute Connection Manifestation Meditation on My YouTube Channel.

I choose to connect to my body
I choose to connect to my conscious mind
I choose to connect to my subconscious mind
I choose to connect to my worries
I choose to connect to my shadow
I choose to connect to my higher mind
I choose to connect to my emotional channel
I choose to connect to my heart
I choose to connect to my fears
I choose to connect to my intuition
I choose to connect to the higher Power (God/Universe/etc.)
I am completely connected to all my channels
I am completely connected

I joyfully connect to other people
I joyfully connect to the environment
I joyfully connect to nature
I joyfully connect to music
I joyfully connect to animals

I joyfully connect to the world
I joyfully connect to the Universe

I keep all my connections healthy
I bless all my connections
I'm passionate about all my connections
I give positive energy to all my connections
I receive positive energy from all my connections
I give out wisdom to all my connections
I receive wisdom from all my connections
Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by e-mail or publicly online
Dear People,

It's been a while since I wrote about the joys of Psychic Life. Not because I haven't had any joy, but mostly because I've been focusing on my other article series. So now I'm back to talk a little bit more about my life and what happens differently because I'm a Psychic Healer. Today I want to talk about Fantasizing and how I do it.

Positive Fantasizing
A lot of people do 'negative fantasizing', also called 'worrying'. When we go out and distract our mind with all kinds of negative stories that we create. Often, our worries never come true, yet we still engage in the same behavior.

Positive Fantasizing can be anything from daydreaming about the kind of life, love or job you want to be to brainstorming and making lists on what goals you want to achieve. For some of us, that can be an escape that comes to nothing, but if you work with energy, especially spiritually, you can create from your own desires.


You can take your ideas and visualize them. Research has shown that athletes that visualize their exercises will create benefits for their 'real' play. The power of the mind is so interesting and I hope we will see more research in the coming years. So, as a Psychic, I often visualize what I want to create coming towards me or appearing in my life.

Sometimes I make a movie, where I see myself doing the things I want to do, hearing, feeling and smelling them. Sometimes I visualize an object that I want to have and how it feels to use that in my daily life.

Once I have something I really want to achieve or just a goal I want to work on and I find myself fantasizing about it a lot, I will often make an affirmation for myself to repeat and enjoy. Sometimes I spend some time using hand lettering to create a work of art with an affirmation.  Creative work helps me reaffirm easily and happily. I tend to sing them too sometimes.

Law of Attraction
I don't consciously work with the law of attraction much, although I know a lot of people who use it through affirmations and visualization, so I guess they might say I use it a lot. Most of my law of attraction work is unconsciously done. I hear myself say and talk about what I want and I trust it will appear.

This has gotten me loads of discounts and other beautiful situations in which things worked out just like I would have wanted it/for the best.

Last, but certainly  not least, is that I listen to what I can do to start creating my positive and better life. Sometimes I drawn towards new situations and people, sometimes I'm told to do some more work on areas of my life and sometimes I'm just told to relax and enjoy. 

So, today, set some time aside to think or feel what you really want to create in your life. Fantasize about your 'better life', about who would be in it, what would be happening in it etc.. Then go out and try one of the things I do to create it for yourself.

Want to share you own positive story or ask me questions about this? Post a comment on the blog or Facebook Fan Page, e-mail me or talk to me in the practice!
Dear People,

Today I'm writing some EFT sentences to help with frustration. For a lot of us, frustration is a daily or weekly happening. We know we shouldn't respond in this way or feel it so acutely, but since it's a fact of life, we almost never do healing work on it. While frustration isn't a bad thing per se, having it happen often or mounting up fast, can be a serious energy drain.

So start dealing with any left over frustration by using EFT as a road to inner peace.
Old frustration
Even though I'm still frustrated about this, I choose to let go
Even though I'm still frustrated about situation X from the past, I choose to let go
Even though I still feel frustration when I think about situation X, I choose to let go
Even though I still feel frustration when I think about person X, I choose to let go
Even though I still feel frustrated about my past, I choose to be at peace

Allowing mistakes
Even though I'm often frustrated with myself, I choose to be kind
Even though I'm often frustrated with others, I choose to be kind and forgiving
Even though I'm often frustrated with institutions, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated in traffic, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated at work, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated with administration, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated with situation X, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated with person Y, I choose to be at peace

Quickly releasing frustration
Even though I feel frustrated, I quickly let go
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to see the bright side
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to see the humor
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to be relaxed
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to smile
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to release all frustration

A less frustrated life
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be laid back
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be kind
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be full of humor
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be full of laughter
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be at peace
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be joyful
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be happy
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to search for the silver linings

Want to chat about dealing with frustration? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!
Dear People,

Today I'm writing some EFT sentences to help with feeling safe. A lot of times life can throw us curve balls that make us fear or worry and some of us have gone through traumatic situations that have threatened our natural feelings of safety. A lot of times people try to feel safe by imposing rules or trying to control themselves or others, but this doesn't work long term. When the rules or control eventually breaks, the fear comes back a hundred fold. It's important to create safety by knowing that you are strong enough to deal with whatever life throws at you, can call in help and support and find a way to heal.

So start dealing with conflict today by using EFT as a bridge to understanding and compromise

Letting go of rules
Even though I want people to follow the rules so I'm safe, I choose to be safe regardless
Even though I want rules create fake safety, I choose to find true safety without rules
Even though I want to put conditions on my safety, I choose to be unconditionally safe
Even though rules make me feel safer, I choose to be unconditionally safe

Letting go of control
Even though I want to control myself, I choose to feel safe with myself
Even though I want to control my emotions, I'm always safe to express myself
Even though I want to control my behavior, I'm always safe to be me
Even though I want to control my pain, I choose to let go safely
Even though I want to control my environment, I'm always safe
Even though I want to control others, it's safe to let everybody be their best selves
Even though control makes me temporarily feel safer, I choose to be unconditionally safe
Even though I can't control life, I can choose how I respond to it 
Even though I can't control life, I can choose how I deal with issues

Letting go of trauma
Even though I felt unsafe with X in the past, I choose to reclaim true safety
Even though I felt unsafe during situation Y in the past, I choose to reclaim true safety
Even though I feel unsafe, I choose to reclaim true safety
Even though I lost my safety, I choose to reclaim it completely now

True safety
Even though it's easy to find fake/temporary safety, I'm strong and powerful within myself
Even though I feel I need rules, I choose to feel safe in my strength to deal with myself/others/life
Even though I feel I need control, I choose to feel safe in my strength to deal with life
Even though I might experience dangerous things in life, I know I'm stronger so I feel true safety
Even though I might experience difficult things in life, I know I'm stronger so I feel true safety
Even though I might experience difficult things in life, I can always call for Heavenly help
Even though I might experience difficult things in life, I can find somebody to help me
Even though I don't know how it feels, I choose to experience true safety
Even though I don't know how to create it, I choose to create true safety

Want to chat about dealing with how to feel safe? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!

Dear People,

Recently I was asked how I deal with people who don't believe in the work I do. There are several types of 'unbelievers' and how they respond to me, so there are also different ways in how I respond to them. The short answer is: I don't have problems with people who find my work strange, weird or unusual. Read on to hear about the longer answer.

Open minded unbelievers
A lot of people in this group don't have much experience with spirituality or spiritual healers. They have no idea what to expect and often find the idea of Psychics strange or unsettling. It doesn't fit in their world view. They are used to things that they can measure or see and that the future is all open. The idea that it might not be, creates a feeling of unease.

Often I see this group of people when I have treated their partner, family, friend or neighbor. They see a lot of results; like more energy, less pain, stronger personality/more inner peace; and they want that for themselves too. So they are willing to try something new and they often tell me upfront that they never done anything like this and they aren't quite sure if they believe in it.

Some open minded unbelievers are desperate with chronic or severe health issues, who feel like they really do just need to try everything. Often I'm the last stop for them, as they tried many things, and they are finally opening up to things much more out of their comfort zone.

I tell all of them the same: you don't have to believe in it for it to work. I work with their slight discomfort when they notice I know things about them that they haven't told me. As soon as they see results, most of this group is happy to stay with: "I don't know why it works, but I'm happy it does". Sometimes they go on to work more with spiritual or personal development, because the work for I did for them allows them open up their worldview.

We then often discuss a lot of things that we know exists, but we are unable to measure or record. Like for example, what we are dreaming or something as powerful as love. We often also speak about how science is catching up and starting to measure things that spiritual teachers have talked about for ages. There have been studies that we carry memories in our DNA for example, which fits with the idea of many spiritual teachers that we need to release memories and behavior patterns from our ancestors. A lot more research is being done about how important gut health is, while a lot of healers focus on the intestinal tract/stomach area as well. Quantum Theory is also very interesting and I'm hopeful my work will be able to be measured in my lifetime. It's something that would make me exceedingly happy.

Rude or close minded unbelievers
Some people don't believe in what I do and then also find it their business to insult me, by claiming I'm a fake, a charlatan or whatever insult they prefer. They might also try to convince me that the work I do doesn't work, even though I have hundreds of satisfied clients. I know that's anecdotal evidence only, but it still exists.

I tend to stay polite and tell them that they are free to their beliefs, as am I. I rarely meet people who want to tell me what to believe and not believe in, but sometimes I do. It's quite interesting to me that often they are looking for a strong response from me, but then are very unhappy when they don't get it.

I feel everybody should be free to believe in what they want. I never discuss things with them, because I know discussing with people who only want to be rude or who aren't open to other people's viewpoints is useless.

Have a question for me? Ask me in the practice or write me an e-mail, post it on the blog or Facebook Fan Page!
Dear People,

A lot of people want to give themselves back the freedom of expression. Often we learn to limit ourselves, not accepting or allowing our natural feelings (anger, sadness, frustration, disappointment_ or not allowing our natural gifts (creativity, leadership, talents). So today I'm writing some affirmations on how to be able to open those pathways to expression.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.

Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).

I choose to express myself
I choose to express myself joyfully
I choose to express myself completely

I choose to express my difficult emotions
I choose to express my anger
I choose to express my sadness
I choose to express my disappointment
I choose to express my frustration
I choose to express my jealousy
I choose to express my hurt
I choose to express my upset

I choose to express my emotions
I choose to express my upset
I choose to express my joy
I choose to express my love
I choose to express my happiness
I choose to express my interest

I joyfully express my creativity
I joyfully express my gifts
I joyfully express my talents

I create the space to express myself
I take the time to express myself
I enjoy expressing myself
I love expressing myself
Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by e-mail or publicly online

Dear People,

It's June and the practice is now 10 years old. Last month I met up with somebody who told me that when I just started out I transformed her life by saying something to her. She couldn't even remember anymore what it was exactly, but she just wanted to let me know how much it meant to her. This sparked the discussion on how much I remember about past clients and sessions with somebody who watched this exchange.

Do I remember clients/sessions?
The short answer is sometimes. I'm not perfect and while I have a good memory it isn't really for faces or names. I've been working on that, but more for my social life than for remembering clients. Some people I've worked with longer so it's easier to remember them and some just made an impact into my memory due to their questions or situation.

The long answer is: I would like to remember clients, but not all the sessions.

I have trouble remembering clients when I meet them in a group (like the Reading/Healing Evenings or on a fair. I usually see so much people, that it can blur a bit together. I think some clients have heard me tell any group: "While I try to remember you and what the Readings where about, please be mindful that if you would ask me again in a week or 2, I probably won't remember. It's not that I don't care, it's that I give out and receive so much information it's hard to retain which information belongs to whom.

As for sessions, if I would stay connected to every session and reading I did, I'd probably have no peace. I'd wonder about that person who came to ask about their relationship (are they still married?), that decision (did they emigrate?) or that health problem (did they heal?). I try to let sessions go as soon we end sessions together. Sometimes I get closure - and sometimes I don't. I try not to wonder why people sometimes don't come back after cancelling a session or don't want to update me on their life. I know life can get busy and I'm only a small chapter or even a page in their book.

So, in a perfect life, I'd remember you, a short summary of what we did and we'd meet as old acquaintances when we see each other - eager to update each other and then let go again until the universe brings us together again. I love it when clients give me feedback or update me by sending me an e-mail, a message on Social Media (Instagram/Facebook etc.) or text to let me know something I predicted came true and brought joy. It brings me a lot of joy to read those, so I'm always happy to hear from clients.

To make that story happen more often, I keep a short summary from people who I've seen in the practice for paid sessions, but this is only something I've been doing systematically since the start of 2018. Before I had a card system, which meant I often didn't update it and didn't really clear it out based on dates. So I am expecting a lot more easier meetings in my future and I like that I have more options on after care. This system helps me to input important dates and sets reminders for when I promised to keep in touch with clients.

Have a question for me? Talk to me in the practice, post a message on the blog or send me an e-mail.
Dear People,

Today I'm writing some EFT sentences to help with conflict. We experience conflict often in our lives - when people want things we don't want or do things we don't want them to do, but also when we have a conflict within ourselves.

So start dealing with conflict today by using EFT as a bridge to understanding and compromise

Dealing with inner conflict
Even though I don't know what I want, I choose to listen to all of myself
Even though I don't know what to do, I choose to listen to all of myself
Even though I feel torn, I choose to be open to a solution
Even though I feel conflicted, I choose to be open to compromise
Even though I feel restless during this conflict, I choose to be at peace
Even though I feel stressed about this conflict, I choose to relax
Even though this conflict is making me feel miserable, I'm confident about the future
Even though this conflict is painful, I choose to forgive myself
Even though this conflict is annoying, I honor myself completely

Dealing with conflict with others
Even though I feel X is wrong, I choose to listen
Even though I feel I'm right, I choose to listen to the other side
Even though I know X is wrong, I choose to listen 
Even though I know I'm right, I choose to listen to the other side
Even though I want to convince X, I choose to foster understanding
Even though I hate conflict between me and X, I choose to stand up for myself
Even though I hate conflict between me and X, I choose to honor myself
Even though I hate conflict between me and X, I choose to be brave
Even though I hate conflict between me and X, I choose allow it to resolve itself naturally
Even though I hate conflict between me and X, I choose to believe in a good resolution
Even though I hate conflict between me and X, I choose to foster understanding
Even though I hate conflict between me and X, I honor that we are different people
Even though I hate conflict between me and X, I honor that we have different opinions
Even though I hate conflict between me and X, I honor that we have different viewpoints

Dealing with conflicts in groups
Even though I'm disappointed nobody wants to listen to me, I choose to listen to others
Even though I feel upset that we are doing the wrong thing, I honor the majority
Even though I feel angry with the chosen course, I honor the majority
Even though I feel angry with the chosen course, I am free to honor myself and leave the group
Even though I feel powerless in this group, I choose to honor myself
Even though I don't want to follow others, I know when a fight isn't worth it
Even though I want to convince others, I choose to let it go
Even though I don't feel my voice is being heard, I choose to stand up for myself
Even though I don't feel my voice is being heard, I can choose to surround myself with other people
Even though I don't feel my voice is being heard, I can choose to let go
Even though I don't feel my voice is being heard, I can choose to leave

Want to chat about dealing with conflict? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!
Dear People,

We all can use some more happiness, as you can never be too happy. However, often, it's hard to keep the focus positive and happy. We get stressed, life gets hairy, we have to deal with things we don't like... so that's why today I'm writing affirmations on happiness. If you feel you can use some more happiness in your life - affirm it daily!

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up. 

Create more happiness by listening to the 5 minute Happiness Manifestation Meditation on My YouTube Channel.

Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).

I am able to be happy
I am able to be happy while I'm stressed
I am able to be happy during difficult times
I am always able to be happy

I am able to focus on my happiness
I am able to focus on my happiness around others
I am able to focus on my happiness while I'm stressed
I am able to focus on my happiness during my daily life
I am able to focus on my happiness during difficult times

I easily find happiness in small things
I easily find happiness in expressing myself
I easily find happiness in my social bonds
I easily find happiness within myself
I easily find happiness

I easily create happiness
I easily create happiness for myself
I easily create happiness for others
I easily create happiness for the world

I choose to have a happy mood
I choose to have a happy mind
I choose to have a happy body
I choose to have a happy soul
I choose to be a happy being

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page or watch the past Instagram Live about affirmations. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice or by e-mail.

Dear People,

Today I'm writing a little bit about my cancellation policy. Sometimes we forget an appointment, sometimes life happens and we can't make it. That's understandable, but what's also understandable is that I invest time and energy into holding a spot for a client and doing the preparation work. I often thought on if I wanted to change, but I feel the current set up is fair for everybody involved.

Here is my reasoning:

When I started working I decided that I really would like to prepare my sessions in advance. Almost always the preparation is what the client wants to discuss in the first place - so it gives a lot of trust starting out this way. It fosters an environment of common ground and understanding. It also helps clients who have difficulty putting into words to what is bothering them.

I can't do the preparation work a long time in advance, due to the fact that the energy field fluctuates since life fluctuates. So I do most of this work somewhere within 24 hours before a session. Sometimes that's in the morning for an evening session, sometimes it's after dinner and very rarely it's the evening before. If I have a busy day ahead it just makes sense if I'm at the practice already to do it then, so in particular Friday's sessions are often done Thursday evening.

I have a maximum of the amount of sessions I can do a week - this is to keep myself sane and healthy and to be able to give my best to my clients. Rarely, I work outside my normal business hours, for example if I'm doing house visits, have to visit somebody at the hospital or if somebody has a strange work schedule. When I do, I keep into account that I will have to cut session time from my normal working hours. So when people cancel, that means I immediately have availability for somebody else. If you cancel in advance, no problem, I can contact people and make it work. If nobody can fit the slot, I can take my laptop and work on the administration, the promotion or any of the other things I need to do for my business.

When people cancel too late or not at all, I'm stuck with preparation work that I have to throw out, a slot that I couldn't fill and of course also time that is wasted. If I allow this to continue, that means paying clients are picking up the slack for non-paying clients, which I feel is very unfair.

I'm happy with how I do my work in the practice, so if people do not agree, I counsel them to not book sessions with me.

So the second question often is: How come you don’t know if people need to cancel/ won’t show as a Psychic?

First of all keeping an eye on everybody’s life would be dreadfully time and energy consuming. Secondly it’s rare for me to check into other peoples lives except for preparation for a session or during a session. I would have to check and recheck often, as for some people the reason they aren't able to show up happens on the day itself while others might forget to write down the appointment during their last session.

Also, if I do get the sense something is wrong, what should I do? Hound somebody to see if they will come until their appointment date and time? Not show up myself or book somebody else in that slot? None of these are good options so that also makes keeping an eye out for this situation even more a waste of time and effort.

Personally, I don’t like late cancellations or people completely forgetting their session. I understand why people feel that 'mistakes happen' and it how was 'just the first time'. I always try to foster understanding that while you might feel that you got 'nothing for your money', I have worked for your session.

Lately, I've been thinking on if I want to send people text messages or e-mails a day before a session, but automating this is not very easy for me. Doing it all manually means that each session needs an additional 5-10 minutes of my time. That's just not worth it for the few people a year who forget a session or cancel later then the 24 hour window.

Have a question for me or a good solution? Talk to me in the practice, post a message on the blog or send me an e-mail.

Dear People,

Some days it's hard to be open to ourselves, to life and to others. Pain, fear, anger, revenge, jealousy, neediness, there are so much different emotional and mental motivations that can keep us locked within ourselves. I think it's great to strive to be open-hearted and open minded, so that's why I wrote some affirmations about it today.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.

Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).

I cleanse my heart 
I trust myself and others
I forgive myself and others
I connect with others in a healthy ways
I connect with myself in a healthy ways
I choose to be open-hearted

I accept other people's opinions
I accept other people's actions
I accept other people's values
I accept other people's beliefs
I choose to be open-minded

I easily to let go of my walls
I easily to let go of my judgements
I easily let go of the past
I easily to let go of my expectations
I am open to life

I am open to love
I am open to luck
I am open to abundance
I am open to joy
I am open to laughter/humor
I am open to naughtiness
I am open to inspiration
I am open to connection
I am open to intuition
I am open to guidance
I am open to all

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by e-mail or publicly online
Dear People,

Today I'm writing some EFT sentences to help with stress. We all suffer from stress: emotional, mental and physical. While a little stress can help us get things done, too much of it quickly overwhelms us. Many people I see in the practice have very high stress levels, which directly impacts our health. Often people get so stressed that they don't take good care of themselves or deal with chronic stress for years.

So start dealing with stress today by using EFT to relax and center yourself.

Acknowledging stress levels
Even though I'm really stressed, I choose to feel relaxed
Even though I'm really stressed, I choose to slow down
Even though I'm really stressed, I choose to take care of myself
Even though I'm really stressed, I choose to eat healthily
Even though I'm really stressed, I choose to sleep enough
Even though I'm really stressed, I choose to take healthy breaks
Even though I'm really stressed, I make healthy choices

Reducing stress
Even though I'm really worried about X, I choose to trust myself
Even though I really want to succeed at Y, I move forward confidently
Even though I'm super stressed about Z, I choose to trust and let go
Even though I feel stress in my body, I choose to consciously relax
Even though I feel emotional stress, I choose to feel peaceful
Even though I feel mental stress, I choose to find peace
Even though I am stressed, I choose to relax in the rhythm of life.

Reducing stressful thoughts
Even though I want things to be perfect, I choose to relax about it
Even though I'm afraid things aren't good enough, I trust and let go
Even though I'm afraid I'm going to fail, I choose to learn confidently
Even though I'm afraid of other people's reactions, I choose to feel at peace
Even though I'm afraid things won't work out, I choose to trust
Even though I think I can't handle it, I choose to tackle this one step at a time

Reducing stressful feelings
Even though I feel afraid, I choose to feel at peace
Even though I feel worried, I choose to feel at peace
Even though I feel anxious, I choose to feel at peace
Even though I feel sad, I choose to feel at peace
Even though I feel disappointed, I choose to feel at peace
Even though I feel disappointed in myself,  I choose to forgive myself
Even though I feel disappointed in others, I choose to forgive everybody
Even though I feel overwhelmed, I choose to feel confident

Want to chat about dealing with stress? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!

Dear People,

Often we feel pressured to make choices and we can get tired of feeling like everything we do matters and we just don't know what to do. It can also feel like we 'have no choice' are 'forced to do this' which means we often don't enter the situation with grace and kindness, but instead of low energy, resentment and anger. It's hard to feel blessed with free will sometimes, so today I'm writing about the power of choice.

Power of choice: Owning your choices
Regardless of what our ego or our thoughts tell us, we always have a choice. Even if somebody is standing next to you with a gun, we still have a choice. Even if somebody overpowers us, we still have a choice. Some choices we make fully conscious and aware of the consequences, while others are subconscious and some are in between. By owning our choices, we keep positive energy flowing.

Example 1: Christmas Attendance
If you say you 'have to' attend Christmas with your parents and you just 'don't have a choice', you can almost feel the resentment building. You won't be happy sitting at the dinner table, you won't be happy seeing your parents, although in the end you might classify it as: "not too bad".

If you own your choice and you say: "I rather go to my parents with Christmas then have a fight with them/host my own Christmas/do my own thing/make a fuss", then you will know that you are the one who choose this. That also means, consciously if this changes the next year you might kick up a fuss, choose to host yourself or just take a vacation.

Example 2: Biking vs Car
Somebody asks you if you want to meet up by car or by bike. You know you  have a preference but you don't want to say car. You probably have some judgements on that (lazy, costly etc.) so you say bike. You end up blowing up your bike tire by hitting it on the shed door, so bike is now out.

You can say your subconscious sabotaged you, but your soul also gives you a lesson right at this moment to make choices that are right for you and own up to them.

Power of choice: Allowing for the answer
A lot of the time, people desperately want to right answer, the right choice and they want to make it right now. However, one of the beautiful things in the power of choice is allowing for the answer. Take your time to listen to all channels of wisdom (your body, your emotional responses, your mental thought processes, your intuition, soul guidance etc.) and if they don't match take some time to sort through the "Why".

Sometimes you are asking the wrong question, and while you want to choose between A & B, C is the answer. Sometimes old pain or bad thought patterns can keep you from moving forward towards a choice that's right for you.

Allow for an answer and it will come to you, even when you are conflicted or see no way out. I prefer to meditate on the question and to listen. Sometimes when I'm told to wait and not rush off to 'fix things' that don't need to be fixed, it's still hard on me. However, when I listen the right answer will present itself.

Power of choice: Choosing again
We always try to make a choice in good faith, because nobody would willingly and consciously choose to be in a bad relationship, marry the wrong person, accept the wrong job etc. However, sometimes our choices have consequences we don't like or we have changed and no longer want what we once chose.

In any situation, there is always the ability to choose again. To change course. To correct based on what new information you received or what you experienced. That doesn't mean your initial choice was wrong, just that you need that part of the path before you could continue on.

Power of choice: Reframing your situation
A lot of times we choose to see a situation was annoying, desperate, horrible or painful. It's a choice that we sometimes make consciously and sometimes subconsciously. It's important to understand that we can make our life easier when we choose another option.

Nobody likes to be late at work, but we can frame it as a horrible thing or we can say: 'shit happens'. We can ask ourselves: "What is the lesson in this?", or we can run around in busyness and start trying to solve things asap. When you change how you look at things, you will notice immediate results in energy levels and mood. That doesn't mean it's easy - but it's very worthwhile. I hope to achieve the day where I can honestly say that only good things happen to me - just some good things I like more then others.

Want to talk about your way of dealing with choices? Post a comment on the blog, reach me through Facebook,  e-mail me or talk to me in the practice.
Dear People,

Respect is central in healthy living with yourself and with others. It can be very hard to respect our body, and then we don't treat it well and suffer the consequences. Respecting our feelings is difficult for a lot of us too, as we tend to minimize our own feelings or treat ourselves harshly. Respecting others, the environment... well, no wonder I chose to write down some affirmations about respect today.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.

I willingly respect my body
I willingly respect my feelings
I willingly respect my boundaries
I willingly respect my possessions
I willingly respect the environment
I willingly respect others
I willingly respect myself

I respect my bodies' needs
I respect my bodies' boundaries
I respect my bodies' work
I completely respect my body
I respect my childish feelings
I respect my difficult feelings
I respect my jealous feelings
I respect my painful feelings
I respect my angry feelings
I respect my hurt feelings
I completely respect all of my feelings

I respect my old possessions
I respect possessions I don't like (anymore)
I completely respect all my possessions

I am mindful of my environmental impact
I respect nature
I respect urban environments
I respect all my environments equally
I completely respect the environment

I respect other people's feelings
I respect other people's ideas
I respect other people's ideals
I respect other people's boundaries
I respect other people

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by e-mail or publicly online.

Dear People,

A lot of the time we are busy trying to deal with everything on our own. Asking for help is not something that comes natural to most of us. So it's no surprise that I've written 2 articles on it, but today I want to focus on what type of energy/guidance is available to us and how you can incorporate them into your life.

God/Highest Source/Heaven/Universe
A lot of people feel connected to a greater something, regardless on what type of name we will put on it. As an outside source, this is the easiest to connect with, but also often the hardest to get a clear answer from for a lot of people. It's because the energy is so big and loving, it's nice to access, but sometimes it feel our concerns are very small in comparison.

Incorporating this in your life can be as simple as saying a prayer or spending time tuning into the energy.

A lot of people work with one Guide exclusively. They try to foster a relationship where they can ask their Guide for Guidance regularly. Guides come from all walks of life, with different interests and advice based on what they are meant to help you with. There are many meditations to help meet your Guide, but sometimes Guides can also change during your life time.

Incorporate your Guide by meditating regularly, until you receive a name or image, that stays clear, so you can ask for advice and help.

Angels have held people's awe for a long time. There are Angels in oral tradition in lots of different places, so while Christians tend to think they are the only one with Angels, that isn't true. For many Angels are the messengers of God, more accessible to us and easier to receive guidance from.

Incorporate working with Angels by calling upon them regularly, you will notice different Angelic Energies depending on your question and work. There are also many good Oracle sets to work with Angels if you want to work with cards. 
If you believe in Guardian Angels, you can also choose to work with that specific Angel that has chosen to help you in your life. You can ask for guidance, protection or aid, depending on what you need.

Faeries can be nature spirits, but also spirits that are sideways from the reality that we perceive. They are often more capricious then Angels, but also more fun and down to earth. Their energy is very different and there are many different ways in which they can help you.

Incorporate working with Faeries by doing nature work, like growing plants, gardening or working with flowers in your daily life. Pay attention when you walk in the woods or in other natural places. Again, there are many good sets to work with Faeries if you want to work with cards.

Animal Totems
Animal Totems come from the tradition that animals have lessons to teach us and are valuable in our daily lives. Totems are more then just animals, as you can talk with Totem Animals and receive great wisdom. A lot of people who are drawn to Animal Totems feel connected to nature and Shamanism. Animal Totems help with spiritual lessons and integrating pieces of yourself.

Incorporate working with Animal Totems by doing meditative work, chanting or Shamanistic work. I work with Animal Orbs during meditation, but there are also several good sets of Cards if you want to work with Animal Totems.

While currently, a lot of people in the west don't work with Ancestors, in the East, honoring your ancestors and having access to their wisdom is very common place.

Incorporate your ancestors by tuning in energetically, doing some research on them or even putting a small candle by a photo of ancestors you feel connected to (like your parents, grandparents etc.). 
Positive Energy sources
You can also choose to work with positive energy sources and try to connect to them directly. This can be for example: Universal Love, Nurturing, Kindness, Forgiveness. You can't really use them for guidance, but for healing or manifestation purposes this type of connection is wonderful.

Want to talk about your sources of energy/guidance? Post a comment on the blog, reach me through Facebook,  e-mail me or talk to me in the practice.
Dear People,

Today I'm writing some EFT sentences to help with fear. Fear should be a healthy response to make sure you double check if what you want to do is a good idea. However, often, fear becomes a mind killer, something that stops reasonable thoughts and traps us with the problem. We get so emotionally blocked that we can't take the actions we need to move forward.

So start dealing with fear today by using EFT to move forward.

Acknowledging fear
Even though I'm afraid to acknowledge my fear, I allow myself to be vulnerable
Even though I'm too afraid to speak, I know I always have a voice
Even though I'm too afraid to think, I know I always have my mind
Even though I'm too afraid to move, I choose to move forward

Reducing fear
Even though my fear is so pervasive, I know I'm strong enough to deal with it
Even though my fear is so overpowering, I know I'm stronger/can be stronger
Even though my fear is so painful, I know I can move through it
Even though my fear is so big, I know I am larger then my fear
Even though I'm really afraid, I choose the truth
Even though I'm really afraid, I choose to ask for help
Even though I'm really afraid, I choose to ask for help from God (Higher Self/Universe/Angels)
Even though I'm really afraid, I choose to give myself a reality check
Even though I'm really afraid, I choose to confront my fear
Even though I'm really afraid, I trust myself
Even though I'm really afraid, I choose to trust God (The Universe/My Higher Self)

Dealing with fear
Even though I am afraid others might look down upon me, I know everybody has their fears
Even though I'm afraid others might laugh at me, I know everybody has their fears
Even though I'm too afraid to do what's right for me, I won't let this fear stop me
Even though I'm too afraid to broach this subject, I choose to be honest with <person X>
Even though I'm too afraid to talk about this, I choose to open up to <person X>
Even though I'm too afraid to ask for help, I open up to <person X>/God
Even though I'm too afraid to ask for help, allow myself to receive help
Even though I'm afraid that there is no solution, I trust in myself
Even though I'm afraid that there is no solution, I trust in myself and others
Even though I'm afraid that there is no solution, I trust in God

After fear
Even though X felt pretty scary, I'm proud of myself that I did it
Even though Y felt pretty scary, it's no longer a big deal
Even though Z felt pretty scary, I moved through it successfully
Even though I was scared, I dealt with my fear appropriately
Even though I was scared, I conquered my fear
Even though I was scared, I processed my fear

Want to chat about dealing with fear? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!

Dear People,

Often we have troubles looking clearly at our own actions in the past. We can be overcome by shame, fear or guilt when we relive what we have done. We might get angry at the state of our lives or jealous at others. So we shy away from our truth and our past, missing important clues on how to make or now and our future better.

So today I've written a little bit about the healing power of self reflection and an exercise to try at home.

Self Reflection
As a tool, self reflection helps us by showing us what is working and isn't working in our lives. When we try something, we never know what kind of results we get, until the end. Then we have to live with the consequences. When we use self reflection, we are powerless to change what has happened, but we are empowered by hindsight and experience.

I like to reflect on how the main three things first: time, energy and attention. I like to see how I used my time during the day, week or month. That allows me to see what I'm doing with my life. Sometimes I might get mired in spending time on things that don't matter much to me (pointless reading, long phone calls etc.) instead of working towards my goals and enjoying my life.

I also check how my energy levels where. Seeing where they dip, allows me to see what isn't working or where I need more support. Or, just relax and deal with the fact that I got the flu or are a little below the weather. I check if my energy is with me or if I'm giving it to others, trying to help them in a self sacrificing or sabotaging way. Seeing where my energy grows and multiplies, tells me what I need to have more off in my life.

I also see what has held my attention; did I work towards my goals? Was I distracted with other things going on in my life? Did I got stuck in negativity or did I move towards problem solving? Was I able to trust or not? What holds our attention grows and we often spend time and energy on that which holds our attention.

Make sure you have around 10-25 minutes in which you can work uninterrupted and have a pen and paper ready. If during this exercise you notice that you are creating judgements, fear, shame or guilt, take some time to release those.

Question 1: What went well this (week/month/year) ?
Sub-question: Why?

Question 2: What didn't go well ? What are you disgruntled/angry/dissatisfied about?
Sub-question: Why not? What would have been better to do?

Question 3: What plans/decisions are you going implement in the next (week/month/year) ?

What went well this week?
Eating healthier food.

It went well because I made sure I had some good snacks to take with me or easily grab. I made time to make some good juices to help pick me up. I planned healthier dinners and was energetic enough to fix them. I saw some good results on the scale and that motivated me to stay on course.

What didn't went well?
Fixing some administration. I still have to finish it.

Why not?
I'm bored, I don't like doing it and it's a lot of work. I preferred doing other things and distracted myself with other tasks. It would have been better to plan a time/date and sit my ass down to finish it.

What am I going to implement?
I need some extra motivation, so I'm going to reward myself when this administration is finished. I will plan a time/date that works so I can have 2 uninterrupted hours and fix it. I am going to continue with the healthy dinners.

Possible problems in judgements/fears/shame/guilt:
  • I should have done it already => I can't go back in time
  • I am lazy => I choose to finish this and increase my discipline and motivation
  • I am dumb => I choose to find help so I can finish this
  • Well, that went well, let's not think on it => I choose to learn from my experiences
  • I am afraid I can't do this => Let's find out how far I come/Let's try

Want to use self reflection regularly to make better choices? Start journalling, start a bullet journal or use an App. Want help with self reflection in a healthy manner or share your journey? Post a comment on the blog, reach me through Facebook,  e-mail me or ask me in the practice.
Dear People,

A lot of us have hang-up's on learning. We want to learn, but at the same time almost everybody hates making mistakes. A lot of us feel like failures when we are learning, but there isn't a way to learn without trying and trying means sometimes we aren't happy with the results. Failure is falling down and not getting up again, but for most people, falling down is so painful, that getting up feels impossible.

On top of that a lot of us have heard people in our lives say that we are slow, stupid or idiots. Often this becomes our own inner voice when we have heard it enough. Our own inner critic swells up, making it impossible to move forward. Time to get in touch with your inner cheerleader or best friend, who will pick you up no matter what.
I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.

Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).

I easily learn new things
I easily learn languages
I easily learn names
I easily learn new skills
I easily learn new theories

I easily learn

I allow myself to make mistakes
I am ok with making mistakes (when I'm learning)
I happily make mistakes (when I'm learning)
I embrace my mistakes as opportunities to learn
I embrace my mistakes
I happily learn from my mistakes
I eagerly learn from my mistakes
I easily learn from my mistakes

I recognize opportunities to learn
I take opportunities to learn
I create opportunities to learn

I enjoy trying new things
I enjoy enriching my life
I enjoy learning

Every moment is a moment to learn something
My life is a journey of learning
I embrace the wisdom life gives me 

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by e-mail or publicly online.
Dear People,

Today I'm writing some EFT sentences to help deal with all the emotions that can come up when we make mistakes. Often we berate ourselves for mistakes or we tack on guilt or shame. All of those can hinder learning and healthy self esteem. Some people are haunted by mistakes they made years ago, so time to release that emotional burden.

Releasing guilt surrounding mistakes
Even though feel guilty about my mistake, I choose to learn the lesson and move on
Even though I feel overwhelmed with guilt, I choose to learn the lesson and move on
Even though I feel guilty about old mistakes, I choose to live in the now
Even though I feel too guilty to deal with my mistakes, I choose to learn

Releasing shame surrounding mistakes
Even though I feel ashamed I made this mistake, I choose to let go
Even though I feel what I did was shameful, I can't change the past and choose to let go
Even though I feel shame, I release this feeling
Even though I feel overwhelming shame, I release this feeling
Even though I feel I should have known better, I forgive myself completely
Even though I feel I should have done better, I forgive myself completely
Even though I feel too ashamed to deal with my mistakes, I choose to learn

Allowing mistakes
Even though I don't like mistakes, I understand I need them to learn
Even though I hate my mistakes, I understand I need them
Even though I'm frustrated about my mistakes, I want to learn
Even though I (want to) hide my mistakes, I own up to them
Even though I want to stop my mistakes from happening, I want to learn
Want to chat about dealing with mistakes? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!

  • Business Hours:
  • Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening 20.00-23.00
  • Friday 09.00-17.00
  • E-mail info@flowofmiracles.com
  • Phone +31 (0)6 10521351
  • Consultation hour on business days
    between 7pm - 8 pm GMT+1