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Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon's blog: posts about spiritual lessons, her work and her services
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Dear People,

Family, we all have them and they greatly influence our lives. All children want their parents to be happy, all parent's aren't perfect. We often strive for family harmony, but few of us seem to achieve it. Some of us need to remove ourselves from our families for our own well being, while others of us have trouble letting go of the past.

So today I'm writing some EFT sentences to help family relations. This can be helpful even if you have permanently severed ties, as that often comes with a lot of pain, guilt and unhappiness. It also helps with gently explaining to others what happened in our families, counteracting the: "but it's still your mom/dad/sister/brother/grandparent"-outbursts from people with happier family relations. Please be mindful that forgiveness doesn't mean contact.

Even though my <family member> couldn't give me what I needed, I let go of my anger
Even though my <family member> couldn't give me what I needed, I let go of my sadness
Even though my <family member> couldn't give me what I needed, I let go of my disappointment
Even though my <family member> couldn't give me what I needed, I forgive everybody involved
Even though I don't feel a part of my family, I understand we are all connected
Even though I'm not happy being part of my family, I chose to understand our connection
Even though I'm not happy being part of my family, I forgive everybody involved
Even though I have problems with <family member>, I choose to let go of these problems
Even though I have problems with <family member>, I choose to resolve them
Even though I have problems with <family member>, I choose to forgive.

Breaking the cycle
Even though everybody in my family has this <bad behavior>, I choose to have healthy behaviors
Even though everybody in my family has this <health issue>, I choose to heal this in myself
Even though everybody in my family has this <problem>, I choose to solve this for myself
Even though I'm stuck in a family problem, I choose to move forward
Even though I'm stuck in a family pattern, I choose to move forward
Even though I'm stuck in a family cycle, I choose to move forward

Understanding and acceptance
Even though I don't see a reason why <family member> behaves this way, I choose understanding
Even though I don't know why <family member> behaves this way, I choose understanding
Even though I don't understand why <family member> behaves this way, I choose understanding
Even though I don't understand why <family member> makes these choices, I choose to accept them
Even though I don't understand why <family member> lives this way, I choose to accept them
Even though I don't understand why <family member> is this way, I choose to accept them

Family breakdowns
Even though I'm hurt by other people's responses, who I choose to call family is my choice
Even though I can't seem to understand people's responses, who I choose to call family is my choice
Even though I'm annoyed by other people's responses, who I choose to call family is my choice
Even though I'm upset that I broke up my family, I choose to forgive myself
Even though I'm hurt that I had to make this choice, I choose to forgive myself
Even though I'm in pain with the current state of my family, I made the choice that's right for me
Even though I feel guilty I couldn't solve things, I forgive myself completely
Even though I feel guilty I couldn't save my family, I forgive myself completely

Want to chat about dealing with family relationships? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!

Dear People,

Sometimes people ask me if I'm willing to sell their products. In all honesty, I doubt I'd ever sell third party products in my practice. Not because I don't believe in their value, but because I have several concerns. 

Concern 1: Effectiveness
I prefer to try out any therapy of therapeutic methods on myself and on several other people to test effectiveness. I wouldn't want to recommend or endorse something that doesn't give great results. As such I often have people volunteering for free sessions if I want to try out something new or I choose to bring something to my free Healing or Reading Evening to try it out with a group of people. I will tell them it's a new thing and that I'd love to hear their comments on it.

I often practice things for a longer time period (3-6 months) before I offer it as a paid service. There are some therapies that I find very effective that I choose not to offer, for example because they are very time intensive (4+ hour sessions isn't something I want to offer), energy intensive (it would be costly if I can't work for a full day after a therapy session) or because it's hard to set a set time upon them (which means scheduling the session would be impossible).

With a lot of products, trying for this type of effectiveness can be incredibly costly. I also don't like having a small sample group, because this won't give an honest view. I know that if something works great for me, there are no guarantees that it will work great for others. The other way around counts too: if it doesn't do anything for me, doesn't mean that others won't benefit.

People wanting me to sell their product often wax on the studies they have that show effectiveness or tell me anecdotes of people they helped. That's fine, but I believe in trusting my own experiences. After all, it's my integrity on the line when I choose to endorse, not theirs.

Concern 2: Side effects
I do not hold a degree in or have extensive knowledge of herbs. While I do use such products in my personal life, I use them under the supervision of trained professionals. So if I had an averse reaction, they can help me navigate it.  They also give great advise on how herbal supplements work with existing medication or other health issues.

Often people in my practice have complex issues so a lot of care is needed. I am very uncomfortable with the idea that I would be the one responsible for side-effects or health issues cropping up from products I'm endorsing. I just don't have the knowledge to do so, so my integrity demands that if I feel somebody would benefit of a physical component/product, I refer them to a trained professional.

People wanting me to sell their product often downplay the chances of side effects. They will often tell me there are none or if there are some, they hardly ever happen and/or are very small. Again, it's my integrity there, not theirs, so when I'm not comfortable, I'm not and I won't go against myself.

Concern 3: Reasons to sell
A lot of the time people who approached me to endorse a product, will emphasize how I can earn a lot of money selling this product. They insist it will bring me a nice cash flow and that this wonder product helps everybody.

One of those things I immediately don't believe: no product helps everybody, because we are all different. I can't even help everybody with my gifts, that's why I refer people beforehand or when I see insufficient results.

The second reason, getting a lot of cash, is often doubtful, but even if it was true, I wouldn't want to get rich selling something I don't believe in or trust. I prefer to make my money doing something that's right for me and selling products that I'm comfortable selling (like my own Oracle).

Does that mean you can't ask me to sell your product or you can't tell me about something you are using that if helping you a lot? Of course not, I love to hear about experiences you have. Just because chances that I will use it professionally are low, doesn't mean I wouldn't want to use it personally or aren't interested in learning more about what is available.

Want to ask me a question? Post a comment to the Blog, ask me in the practice or send me an e-mail.
Dear People,

One way or another we all have times when we feel overwhelmed. We can be overwhelmed due to many different things like: having physical problems meaning we are behind on our work, heavy emotional things happening in our life or just a lot of mental work.

So today I'm writing some EFT sentences to stop feeling overwhelmed and start working on the root issue. If we don't stop this overwhelmed feeling we might burn out mentally, physically or emotionally or try to run away in games, tv, alcohol or other (unhealthy) pursuits.

Acknowledging the feeling
Even though I feel totally overwhelmed right now, I know there is a way through
Even though I feel totally overwhelmed right now, I am strong enough to tackle this
Even though I feel totally overwhelmed right now, I choose to let go of my stress
Even though I feel totally overwhelmed right now, I know I can handle it
Even though I feel totally overwhelmed right now, I take care of myself
Even though even the simplest things feel heavy now, I take care of myself
Even though even a single thing feels like too much, I can handle it
Even though it feels like this work is never ending, I move forward

Even though it's easy to lose myself in this overwhelming situation, I choose to relax sometimes
Even though it's easy to lose myself in this overwhelming situation, I choose to eat right
Even though it's easy to lose myself in this overwhelming situation, I choose to sleep enough
Even though it's easy to lose myself in this overwhelming situation, I choose to take care of myself
Even though I feel upset and overwhelmed, I take care of myself
Even though it feels there is no time, I make time for myself
Even though it feels there is no space for me, I create space for myself
Even though it feels like I'm drowning, I connect to my inner peace and joy
Even though it feels like I can't deal with it, I connect to my inner strength and power

Getting the solution started
Even though I don't see an end to this feeling, I choose to find solutions
Even though I feel alone and overwhelmed, I know help is just around the corner
Even though I feel alone and overwhelmed, I ask for help
Even though I feel I need to do it alone, I ask for help
Even though I don't see any solutions, I find inspiration everywhere to tackle this
Even though I don't see any solutions, I listen to my intuition to find the right way
Even though I don't see any solutions, I choose to ask and receive them from others
Even though I don't see any solutions, I trust that there are several available to me
Even though I'm stuck in this situation, I know this too shall pass

Want to chat about dealing with overwhelming feelings or to-do lists? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!

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  • Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening 20.00-23.00
  • Friday 09.00-17.00
  • E-mail info@flowofmiracles.com
  • Phone +31 (0)6 10521351
  • Consultation hour on business days
    between 7pm - 8 pm GMT+1