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Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon's blog: posts about spiritual lessons, her work and her services
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Dear People,


We all need the Sacred Feminine in our lives. Whether it's the Earth Mother, who nurtures us all, no questions asked and no judgement, or one of the three Female energies of Maiden, Mother, Crone, the sacred feminine is necessary and vital for our well being.


She has many faces in her energy, so no matter what background, you have experienced her energy. You might know this energy as Maria Energy or Quan Yin. You can check out the Sacred Masculinity blog post or Sacred Masculinity Manifestation on YouTube if you want to balance both sides.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.
Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).
Enhance your Sacred Femininity Energy by listening to the 5 minute Sacred Femininity Manifestation Meditation on My YouTube Channel.
I open myself up to the energy of Sacred Feminine
I accept the energy of the Sacred Feminine
I embrace the energy of the Sacred Feminine
I honor the energy of the Sacred Feminine
I love all facets of the Sacred Feminine
I discover the energy of the Sacred Feminine within me
I acknowledge the energy of the Sacred Feminine within me
I embrace the energy of the Sacred Feminine within me
I honor the energy of the Sacred Feminine within me
I embrace the nurturing energy of the Sacred Feminine
I embrace the creative energy of the Sacred Feminine
I embrace the loving energy of the Sacred Feminine
I embrace the accepting energy of the Sacred Feminine
I embrace the intuitive energy of the Sacred Feminine
I embrace the protective energy of the Sacred Feminine
I open myself to the different stages of the Sacred Feminine
I open myself to the energy of the Maiden
I open myself to the energy of the Mother
I open myself to the energy of the Crone

I honor the vulnerability of the Sacred Maiden Energy
I embrace the dreams of the Sacred Maiden Energy
I accept the vitality of the Sacred Maiden Energy
I enjoy the playfulness of the Sacred Maiden Energy
I accept/embrace/love/honor the Sacred Maiden Energy
I honor the nurturing of the Sacred Mother Energy
I embrace the caring of the Sacred Mother Energy
I accept the responsibilities of the Sacred Mother Energy
I enjoy the creativity of the Sacred Mother Energy
I accept/embrace/love/honor the Sacred Mother Energy

I honor the wisdom of the Sacred Crone Energy
I embrace the lessons of the Sacred Crone Energy
I accept the truth of the Sacred Crone Energy
I enjoy the self confidence of the Sacred Crone Energy
I accept/embrace/love/honor the Sacred Crone Energy
Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page or watch the past Instagram Live about affirmations. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice or by e-mail.


Dear people,


I've written before about unhealthy family patterns and also how to examine those patterns to and about why True Unity helps heal people you love while you where the only one in the session. Today I'm writing about ancestral wisdom and listening to what kind of gifts have been flowing through you from your family members. A lot of us forget that healing isn't only about what's broken, but also about truly receiving what's good. 

Family Talents you don't seem to have

You might have noticed certain talents in the family you were born in. A lot of people feel those are genetic: so people who are athletic get athletic children for example. However, we also know that nurture counts: often athletic people encourage their children to be athletic. Much of what we receive from our families is based on behavior that is taught. 


If a specific family talent seems unexpressed in you, it can make you feel like an outsider in your family or a failure. Some people find they become a family scapegoat, because they don't conform or start feeling pride in being different. If it's genuine and authentic, that's fine. But if it's a defense mechanism or trauma, then it is worth it to heal it.

Taking some time to sit with those feelings is a good way to heal them, find the core problem and help yourself express family talents. You can do that for example with my video Breaking Free of Image Issues to reach a state of authenticity or do some inner reflection.

Once this wound is healed, you might find that while you never excelled at a team sport, your body is in a great condition or you might have just expressed it through a solitary sport. Sometimes people start feeling attracted towards a family talent after healing and find out they are talented in that way as well, they just never tried it before. 

Family Gifts that you would like to receive

You might have a family member that has a trait that you really admire. Your aunt's dedication or your grandfathers willpower. If you take the time, you might see those traits expressed in other family members as well. They might even been acknowledged by saying: "He's just like grandad" or "The apple didn't fall far from the tree with that one". 


A simple way to open up to that gift is imaging Heaven/Spirit/God/The Universe giving that gift to your family members and include yourself in it. Imagine gifts of confidence, joy, abundance, etc. filling up your whole family tree, including members who married in and even unborn children. This powerful exercise will allow everybody to reach new levels of Family Gifts. 


You can also imagine you sharing your gifts with your family, so that those can be shared around and returned at even higher levels to you. When we share our gifts, we grow. Nobody is left behind when it comes with family gifts, but for some it might take longer to express them, if they have negative stories, beliefs or other blockages. 

Doing this exercise a few times will allow you to see that it works and you will notice yourself acting more in tune with the quality you were hoping to receive. If you notice you have big blockages keeping you from those gifts, feel free to contact me for an intake to unlock your potential. 

Want to comment on this article or talk to me about it? You can email me, post a message on the blog or send me a message on the Facebook Fan Page or on Instagram.

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