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Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon's blog: posts about spiritual lessons, her work and her services
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Dear People,


I recently spoke about Pendulums on the radio in my Dutch Spiritual Column, but thought I'd write a blog post about it as well. I did mention using a pendulum in my blog post concerning if I use my gifts to find lost items but I'd like to expand on what you can use this spiritual technique for and how to try it out at home. If you want to know more about this technique you can also listen to me talk about it in my Dutch Column: Spiritueel Moment Pendelen.


Why use a Pendulum?


I find a pendulum to be a very easily accessible spiritual tool. Unlike Tarot or Oracle Cards, most people already own something that they can use as a pendulum. You can use a key chain, a necklace with a pendant or basically anything that has a string and a heavier object on it.


Besides having the tool readily available to most people, the basic Yes/No swings of a pendulum are usually easy to discern. So you can teach somebody how to work with a pendulum in just a few minutes - although it's a lot harder to get consistent good results of course. Practice makes perfect as always.


When working with a pendulum it's also very quick to get answers and it's quick to get several answer in a row. That means that while basic Yes/No questions might not seem very useful to many people, they can be used to narrow down answers fast. For example: Is my phone in the house / Is on the first first floor / is it in my bed room / is it on the floor / hidden in something else etc. etc.

Pendulum Pitfalls


When doing any intuitive work, it's often hard to distinguish between what we want to be true, what we fear to be true and what our intuition is actually telling us. When using a pendulum, it's easy to subconsciously try to influence the result due to our movements. So it's very important to keep your arm and hand steady, so it's actually the pendulum doing the answering and not your own subconscious. I've seen people move their arms/hands and being unaware that they are influencing their results. It helps to watch yourself in a mirror or to close your eyes until you feel a good swing and then check your results.


Another disadvantage of the Pendulum is that it doesn't give much extra information. You need to ask it the right questions to move forward. And if you forget an aspect, you might not get the full picture. For example, if you are asking about job offers and you forget to ask if a better offer is coming, you might choose the best offer available to you that you got answers on. When working with Oracle or Tarot Cards you can easily draw one card for insight and that you missed something and what it is. You can ask your pendulum if you are missing something, but then you'd have to ask a lot of questions to figure out what exactly it is. 


Pendulum Charts


If you want a range of answers fast, you can use a Pendulum Chart. If you have several options, you can put them in a chart and see what your pendulum indicates. If you get a good feel for it, you can make charts with a lot of options in them. I recommend using a circle, so it's easy to use. However, when you are starting, having a chart with 4 quadrants makes it easier to see what answer is being indicated. 

Pendulum Tips

Feel inspired to give it a try? Here are some quick tips to use a pendulum/

  • Make sure your position your arm and hand correctly. You can see how I do it in my Creating Joy: Pendulums Video
  • While it's tempting to give your pendulum a big swing, just waiting patiently while it picks up some speed usually gives the best results.
  • If you get tired out fast, it often means your pendulum is too heavy - so if you use a necklace, use one with a lighter pendant and if you use a key chain, remove some keys from it.
  • Make sure you ask first what indicates a yes and what indicates a no. It can be different depending on your pendulum. While it's tempting to think a yes is a vertical direction and a no is a horizontal (as shaking your head no) that is not always the case. 
  • Besides using Yes/No indicators you can also create "Maybe yes/Maybe No/Maybe/Unknown. Just name the indicator and see what happens on the pendulum swing. You can see horizontal, vertical, circles, but also diagonals.


Pendulum Practice Questions


The best practice questions are those you do not know the answer too, but you can find out easily and quickly. That might mean you ask questions for somebody else (who knows the answers) or you ask questions that have easy to verify answers. So these questions won't give you any super useful information, but do help you practice getting a feel for the pendulum. After you've had a couple of successes, it's much easier to trust your process and ask questions that matter to you and give you new information.

Practice questions:


  • How much mail is in my mailbox?
  • Will my package be delivered today?
  • Do I have an email from X? 
  • Will I be rained on today? 
  • Will I find a parking spot near X?
  • Will I receive a phone call from X?
  • Will I meet X today?
  • Will I have a seat on the bus/tram/subway?
  • Did I get a good grade/pass my test?
  • Do I fit in my jeans/bikini/shoes?
  • Do I have an assignment due this week?
  • Will X be in stock at the store?


Want to discuss Pendulums or share your experiences? Post a comment here on the blog or send me a message on the Facebook Fan Page or on Instagram. Or listen to my Dutch Column: Spiritueel Moment Pendelen or watch Creating Joy: Pendulums and leave a comment there!



Dear People,

I love the energy of ease - of things just moving forward easily, effortlessly and joyfully. Yet, often it's really hard to find that energy. We try to push the envelope and move things along quicker or we spend our energies on the wrong things or on distractions. We lament that we aren't moving forward or that life is so hard and so difficult. If that's you, it's time to do some affirmation work for ease today!

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up. 
Create more ease by listening to the 5 minute Ease Manifestation Meditation on my YouTube Channel.

Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).


I find ease in my daily life
I find ease in my needs
I find ease in my wants
I find ease in my goals


I allow ease in my daily life
I allow ease in my needs
I allow ease in my wants
I allow ease in my goals


I embrace ease in my daily life
I embrace ease in my needs
I embrace ease in my wants
I embrace ease in my goals


I manifest ease in my body
I manifest ease in my heart

I manifest ease in my mind

I manifest ease in my spirit


I manifest ease in my daily life
I manifest ease in my health
I manifest ease in my career
I manifest ease in my love life
I manifest ease in my connections
I manifest ease in my relationships
I manifest ease in my financial flow

I manifest ease in solving my problems
I manifest ease in removing obstacles
I manifest ease in releasing trauma
I manifest ease in healing

I manifest ease in my soul path
I manifest ease in building my life
I manifest ease in living my best life

I manifest a flow of ease
I manifest a wonderful flow of ease
I manifest a successful flow of ease

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page or watch the past Instagram Live about affirmations. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice or by e-mail.


Dear people,

I love Self Care, because self care is self love. For a lot of people it's really hard to take the time to take care of themselves. Life can get really busy, you might feel obligated to take care of others first or of your household or just forget about your own needs. We tend to forget we can't pour from an empty cup and that we need to prioritize our own well being. If you recognize that, it's time to do some self care! If you have only a minute, check out my Creating Joy: Self Care video.

Three Pillars of Self Care: Eat, Sleep and Relax


I always tell people that before you do other things, we need to make sure that the three pillars of self care are strong and healthy. If we don't do that, we will ultimately crash our health. The bill of neglect always comes due - we can stay upright for a while, but in the end, we can't live without food or sleep. High stress levels will definitely also take their toll. 

So yeah, it's tempting to just forget meals or eat fast food when you are busy, but it's not a healthy long term choice. It's hard to get the right amount of sleep when you are stressed and it seems so much needs to be done or to choose to relax first and pick up work later. Yet, if we do that, we will replenish our own energy reserves and have the time to find better solutions. 

Stressful situations tend to cause decisions being made out of fear, exhaustion or emotional distress. And later one, we'd see that if we had just taken a break, we'd have made better choices. It's very hard to remind ourselves of this though, because the stress and lack of sleep will definitely cloud our judgement. 

Second level of Self Care: Well being

If our foundation of self care is solid, it's time to make sure our second level of self care is taken care of. This one is very personal, because what is self care for one person, is deeply annoying for another. For some, a part of self care is connecting to our loved one's and having social time. You can see quite often that when people become parents, some people really need to leave the house and go out, while others are most content just reading a book on the couch or taking some time in the bath tub.  

You are the one person who knows what you need for your well being. Don't drink coffee if you are a tea drinker or force yourself to go out if you need some me-time at home. It's fine to try out new things and see what they do for your well being, but if you have been stressed for a long time, going back to your old time favorites is often the best practice. 

By regularly taking care of your own well being, you will notice it's much easier to be flexible, generous with your time and energy and joyful. If you only do the foundation of self care, after a while, you will notice you have a feeling of discontent. We all need to make sure we do things that make us feel happy!


Last level of Self Care: Soul Purpose

When the first 2 layers of Self Care are solid, it's time for the last level. We have enough energy and vitality to take things on and we are happy enough to deal with more, it's inevitable that we are drawn toward our soul purpose.

If we don't move towards it, after a while, our lives will start feeling meaningless and we wonder what it's all for. So we will find our lessons, our opportunities and our blessings if we choose to connect to them. God, Higher Power, The Universe whatever you feel comfortable with, will continue to offer them up to us. 

If we are very tired still, we might find opportunities to heal, to be pampered or to be cared for. If we are ready to learn, we will find teachers, books, podcasts or other resources. If we are ready to help others and ourselves, we will be called to use our gifts and talents. We don't really need to do anything for our soul purpose, it will just be done through us. So listen, be guided and enjoy!


Self Care exercise 


  • Take around 5-10 minutes for this exercise
  • Make sure you are comfortable and can't be disturbed by your phone etc.
  • Close your eyes 
  • First, allow yourself to receive love and care from God/The Universe/Higher Power
  • Imagine yourself being completely filled with this care
  • Let is rejuvenate you in body, heart, mind and spirit
  • Once you feel completely at peace and cared for thank God/The Universe/Higher Power
  • Ask for any guidance on how to take care of yourself and listen closely
  • You might get inspiration based on food, sleep or other activities
  • Gently open your eyes, drink a bit of water and do some grounding 
  • Plan your self care activities and hold yourself to it!


If you want to share your experience with self care or my exercises, you can email me, post a comment here on the blog or send me a message on the Facebook Fan Page or on Instagram.

  • Business Hours:
  • Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening 20.00-23.00
  • Friday 09.00-17.00
  • E-mail info@flowofmiracles.com
  • Phone +31 (0)6 10521351
  • Consultation hour on business days
    between 7pm - 8 pm GMT+1