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Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon's blog: posts about spiritual lessons, her work and her services
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Dear People,

In 2018 I wrote 7 columns during the year for the Delft op Zondag newspaper to help people create a happier, healthier and more relaxed life by following my transformation plan. I've translated them from Dutch to English with small edits. I'm sharing Column number 5 which was published on September 2nd 2018.

Growing by learning

In September the summer feeling starts to wear off and the schools start again: an excellent time to start learning again. We can always grow, regardless of our age and our stage of life. Everyone benefits when knowledge is increased!

Around this time, there are many courses, workshops and other activities that start again, making it interesting to look around at what’s happening in your city. Nowadays we are even able to learn from home, including at my practice through Hart en Ziel Education (edu.hartenziel-online.nl). That way you can get started with something new at your own pace and from the comfort of your home. Learning is fun and gives a lot of satisfaction and relaxation.

Of course you can learn something new, but it can also be very worthwhile to look at your weak spots. If you find it hard to stand up for yourself, have trouble with your weight or creating balance in your life, then looking for a workshop or course that matches this is a valuable opportunity for growth. It is also reassuring to see that others also have problems with something that really bothers you in yourself.

If you have taken steps to learn and grow, then it is equally important to also celebrate that growth. A positive view of yourself helps you to tackle things over and over again. So celebrate your growth by seeing your victories. The time you finally stood up for yourself, lost that kilo of weight or that relaxed day that you enjoyed so much: celebrate them in gratitude.

Heart and Soul's transformation plan
  • Access new knowledge
  • Learn from your weak spots
  • Celebrate your growth
Continue on to the next step by reading Column 6 or go back and read Column 4.
Dear People,

In 2018 I wrote 7 columns during the year for the Delft op Zondag newspaper to help people create a happier, healthier and more relaxed life by following my transformation plan. I've translated them from Dutch to English with small edits. I'm sharing Column number 4 which was published on August 5th 2018.  

Reflection invites inspiration

If you have managed to get started this summer with more peace, happiness and energy, inspiration will automatically come into play. If there is more room in our lives, because it is not completely packed, there will be room to listen to ourselves again. There is also more inspiration available from outside sources when we have time to see them.

Especially during the summer period, many nice things are organised that can inspire us. Go to a fun festival or museum, take the time to read a book or watch a movie. Try your hand at a new skill by going to an interesting workshop or take the time to do something at home by yourself. Before you know it you notice that the positive energy asks you to make changes in your life.

If you really want to be sure that the changes are right for you, take a moment of reflection. Look at your routine; what is in there what might no longer belong or what do you miss? Reflect on your goals, do you have time and energy for them, and what have you achieved already? It can be painful to see what does not work, but it also gives you opportunities to make adjustments. If you are unable to adjust if you have already lost your way to yourself, you can of course choose to call in help.

Usually we find it difficult to create something new in our lives, because it all has to be perfect or because we want to be sure that it will work or fits well in our lives. The summer period invites you to just try something new and give yourself permission to see what happens. Enjoy!

Heart and Soul's transformation plan
  • Get inspired
  • Take a moment of reflection
  • Try something new

Continue on to the next step by reading Column 5 or go back and read Column 3.

Dear People,

In 2018 I wrote 7 columns during the year for the Delft op Zondag newspaper to help people create a happier, healthier and more relaxed life by following my transformation plan. I've translated them from Dutch to English with small edits. I'm sharing Column number 3 which was published on July 1st 2018.  

The tranquility of summer

The holiday time is a great time to live at a slower pace. The weather is good, there is more energy and people are therefore happier. Of course, many people want to fill their vacation time with all kinds of new projects or things that they haven’t had time for. Nevertheless, I always recommend people to take that extra rest in the summer, because that is paid triple in being less likely to get ill in autumn and winter.

So if you are always so happy with that holiday feeling, then it is time to create it at home. Give yourself an extra holiday this summer by giving yourself permission to do nothing and focus on enjoying. Talk to a friend, sit in the garden with your favourite book or take a nap.

If you want to experience that peacefulness, then it is time to reduce the tempo. Many people live at a much too high pace, so they overload their bodies and always feel that they are out of time. Summer invites you to have a slower pace, especially with warmth and it’s effects on our bodies, so get a bit slower to work or go for a leisurely walk instead of hurrying. Choose slower food (BBQ) or eat at a later, so you can cook at a more leisurely pace and give yourself more free time.

With that positivity and peace it becomes easier to tackle an irritation point, so choose something that bothers you and that you really want to change. That can be a room that needs to be cleaned up, the kilos that you want to get rid of or for example the relationship that you want to improve. Take a look at other articles on the blog for EFT sentences or affirmations to get started or call to discuss your irritation point and how to tackle it.

Heart and Soul's transformation plan
  • Free up time to enjoy
  • Decrease your pace
  • Tackle an irritation point 

Continue on to the next step by reading Column 4 or go back and read Column 2.

Dear People,

In 2018 I wrote 7 columns during the year for the Delft op Zondag newspaper to help people create a happier, healthier and more relaxed life by following my transformation plan. I've translated them from Dutch to English with small edits. I'm sharing Column number 2 which was published on May 6th 2018.      

The power of happiness

Last time I wrote about how to make a change successful and of course the first step was to create enough energy. Often, people with new energy want to get started right away, but keeping the energy level high is much more important. That is why today I will write about the biggest energy booster of life: happiness.

For many people, happiness is something that happens to you. You win something, someone gives you an unexpected compliment or you may receive a gift. That gives a nice boost, but you can also actively add happiness in your life. Do not wait for luck or happiness to find you, but actively search for it in your daily life.

An important way to make you feel happier is to think about things that you can derive happiness from. Daily gratitude is a ritual that shows you how much good you already have in your life. Gratitude for small things, such as a bird you hear whistling, but also for bigger things like friendship, love and safety helps you focus on the positive. When you practice gratitude mindfully, feelings of happiness grow and you remain more positive and energetic.

In order to make the right changes, it is important that we look critically at our lives, but that often means that people are focused on what they feel is not good enough. This makes it more difficult to be satisfied and at ease with ourselves. Satisfaction helps with quiet strong energy by focusing on what is successful, what was a good first attempt or what does go well. Regularly look around with satisfaction in your own life and notice the difference that it makes.

Finally, it is important to make yourself happy by doing and receiving fun and nice things. You can start quietly with a nice music setting or cooking something tasty, but of course by also visiting nice events or friends. Take some time to do things that are fun and happy and you will see that the other things in your life will run more smoothly as a result.

Heart and Soul's transformation plan
  • Be actively grateful every day
  • Learn to be satisfied
  • Make yourself happy

Continue on to the next step by reading Column 3 or go back and read Column 1.

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  • Friday 09.00-17.00
  • E-mail info@flowofmiracles.com
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    between 7pm - 8 pm GMT+1