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Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon's blog: posts about spiritual lessons, her work and her services
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Dear People, 

When I first tell people the energy of a session can still be felt 6-8 weeks after, a lot of people don't really believe me. I can understand why, but I've been doing this work for many years now and I keep getting updates from people sometimes even months later. So here is why I know True Unity works longer then just the session itself.


When we need a slower change


Often we want things to change directly, right now, completely, but a lot of times this is not what true change is like. This is because a sudden complete shift scares us. We want it, but at the same time we'd be extremely afraid of this type of miracle. We all need some time to process and most of us will appreciate gentle changes.


I can always see how ready somebody is to receive fast healing, because then the session usually has huge and sudden results, which makes me feel very grateful. However, positive change building up slowly throughout the weeks till the new level is reached is also a wonderful result.


So one of the reasons I can see True Unity energy working for so long is that we sometimes need that, so because the shift that was needed has been achieved, the energy will get you to the next level and it takes you there slowly but surely. I've had people reporting positive shifts months after their session with me.

More energy available


The second reason why you will see long term results and feel that energy is because there simply is more energy available. That is not only the energy I gave to people during a session, but also the energy within that is now freed to be available to do positive things. If most of our energy goes to pain, suffering or other people, it can't be used for positive change.

With inner conflicts solved, we are no longer working at odds with Heaven, but are co-creating our Golden Path. That means that we are within the Flow of Miracles, being able to receive bigger and better gifts and rewards. It doesn't matter what type of higher power you believe in, a lot of people do feel that positive alignment shift or will notice the results.


Often, these gifts show up within a few weeks of positive change building upon positive change. So it's common for people to tell me that they have found new opportunities for their career, love life etc. because of a session with me.


Do you have a question for me about my work, me or my techniques? Post a comment on the blog, Facebook Fan Page, on Instagram or talk to me in the practice.


Dear People,

Psychic life is especially good in helping us stay in the blessing of good fortune. People who are in tune with the energy of the Universe and with their intuition often have lucky breaks. They are at the right place at the right time, they seem to find what they are looking for and attract good fortune. I feel everybody has the right to receive this, so read on how you can manifest more good fortune.


Create your own luck story


I have always felt that I'm a lucky duck or as we say in Dutch, lucky bird. I've noticed that a lot of people have a bad luck stories. They tell me that they never win anything, always have bad luck etc. Once you are in that mindset, it's very hard to manifest any good luck, let alone good fortune. You are rowing against the current of your own belief system. 


So take some time to create your own luck story. Find instances in your life where you felt lucky or something of great good fortune happened to you. Start affirming that you are lucky. Ask your intuition to help you find your luckiest paths and to bring you great good fortune. You will be surprised what the combination of releasing your old belief system, taking time to listen in the now and affirming with gratitude afterwards will do for your good fortune. 


I'm sure a lot of people won't think I had a lucky life, based on the amount of health challenges I faced, but I do feel lucky. I have many stories of winning contests or lotteries (although no huge jackpots yet), stories of getting discounts or being where I need to be. I do practice manifestation in many forms. If you want to manifest with me, you can listen to my Manifestation Meditation series. 

Staying in the Flow of Miracles or creating one

Another good way to have more good fortune is to stay in the Flow and specifically the Flow of Miracles. Flow is the sensation that everything is going well, that we feel vibrant and alive and that getting things done is effortless. Getting into the Flow will become easier when you decide to live a spiritual aware life, so that's why I'm always doing Monthly Next Step Readings. Knowing which energy is available and what the natural Flow of life is doing, definitely helps to get your life flowing well. 


Moving upwards from the Flow to the Flow of Miracles is one that I highly recommend. Once you are open to the idea of sudden unexpected positive change, which is what Miracles are, you will find that they will happen more and more often. Definitely let go of any beliefs that block Miracles and understand that they happen around us every single day. 


You can easily create a Flow of Miracles by surrendering to your idea of a higher power and trusting that you will be led to where you need to go. The more you do this, the easier it is for Miracles to appear and for you to release what has been blocking them. Be sure to keep the faith strong or if you feel like you can't do this on your own, you can always ask me for help or join in with any of my free offerings. 


Have a good fortune story to share? Post a comment on the blog, Facebook Fan Page, on Instagram or talk to me in the practice.

Dear People,

A lot of us want to be connected to our inner child in a healthy and wonderful way. We want to feel that sense of wonder, that playfulness and creativity and enjoy it. Sometimes that's hard because of trauma or because we lost our connection. Time to affirm the wonders of our inner child and enjoy our own energy.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.
Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).
I am open to connecting to my Inner Child
I am willing to connect to my Inner Child
I allow my Inner Child to exist
I embrace my Inner Child
I claim my Inner Child
I am my Inner Child

I feel the joy of my Inner Child
I feel the wonder of my Inner Child
I feel the playfulness of my Inner Child
I feel the vunerability of my Inner Child
I feel the creativity of my Inner Child
I feel my Inner Child
I am willing to hear the needs of my Inner Child
I am wiling to understand the needs of my Inner Child
I am willing to feel the needs of my Inner Child
I am willing to listen to the needs of my Inner Child
I am wiling to acknowledge the needs of my Inner Child
I am willing to be there for my Inner Child
I take care of my Inner Child 
I claim my Inner Child
I embrace my Inner Child
I love my Inner Child
I experience life with my Inner Child
I embrace life with my Inner Child
I enjoy life with my Inner Child
I love life with my Inner Child
Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page or watch the past Instagram Live about affirmations. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice or by e-mail.

Dear People, 

This has been a question that I've been asked multiple times after people have had a session with me. I sometimes get asked a variation of this question before I work, which happens more often if people come to for relationship or family problems. They ask me: "Will this work also impact my partner/child/family". The short answer is yes, the long answer is this blog post.


Your energy changes, your behavior changes and your network changes


We are all part of the network of life and when one of us changes, the whole network does. It's often that people say we are all connected, but we might not always realize that. The first major shift is the following: when you are more energetic, happy, available, open, alive, vibrant... and so on your behavior changes. You can be more patient, more tolerant, more loving, more kind and other people will respond to that. One single act of kindness can have a ripple effect to thousands of people. 


Since our energy changed, our behavior changes as well and it's much easier to step out of negative patterns like power struggle, the drama triangle, attacks and self attack. Often that means that you will see behavior changes in those around you, as they respond more positively to the new you by finding their new them.


Depending on what your session was far, you can also see more specific changes based on what has healed within you. For example if you've become more assertive you might notice your friendships deepening and meeting more like minded people.

Changes in your family by fixing ancestral problems


Sometimes during a True Unity session we work on ancestral problems. It could be that you noticed that your whole family has difficulties dealing with money (some having too much but being scrooges, others having too little) or with love (loads of heart break and divorces and people who never connect to others) or any type of other problem. We often notice what type of unhealthy patterns are working through our families. 

Healing an ancestral problem is vital in making sure the unhealthy behavior pattern stops with us and doesn't continue on to our children. Sometimes people come and tell me that they feel they are 'just like their mom/dad' and they know it's unhealthy but feel that they are unable to change. That's where ancestral healing comes in.


By healing the pattern at the root, where the ancestor has made a mistake, and accessing the lessons and the gift, we can heal the whole family. Often times if this healing was done, people report back that they see the patterns disappearing in their families. Suddenly people become more open and loving and relationship pain disappears or health issues seem to get better for family members as well. 


I love the saying: "A rising tide lifts all ships", because for me, that's what healing is all about. Being able to help the whole world.

Do you have a question for me about my work, me or my techniques? Post a comment on the blog, Facebook Fan Page, on Instagram or talk to me in the practice.


Dear People,

While I've talked before about the power healing tool of Gratitude in my Transformation Plan, I love doing affirmations of gratitude as well. It helps create a positive focus, makes it easier to stay thinking positively and helps attract more joyful experiences.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.
Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).
Enhance your gratitude by listening to the 5 minute Gratitude Manifestation Meditation on My YouTube Channel.
I am grateful for my body
I am grateful for my mind
I am grateful for my heart
I am grateful for my Spirit
I am grateful for my Soul
I am grateful for my experiences
I am grateful for my past
I am grateful for my now
I am grateful for my life
I am grateful for my friends
I am grateful for my family
I am grateful for my partner
I am grateful for me

I choose to be grateful every single day
I open myself to gratefulness every single day
I feel grateful every single day
I am grateful every single day

I am grateful for positive things
I am grateful for many things
I am grateful for all things
I am grateful for everything and everybody
I am always grateful 
I feel the power of gratefulness
I understand the power of gratefulness
I know the power of gratefulness 
I acknowledge the power of gratefulness
I embrace the power of gratefullness
I use the power of gratefulness
I claim the power of gratefulness
I am the power of gratefulness
I live gratefully
I love gratefully
I exist gratefully
Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page or watch the past Instagram Live about affirmations. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice or by e-mail.


Dear people,

Humans tend to complicate things, avoid the issue, have a blind spot.. you name it. We've done it. It can be incredibly healing to get back to the heart of the matter and keep your life simple. So today, a blog about how to do that. If you want to see me speak about this issue, watch the YouTube Video: Creating Joy with Simplicity 

Why simplicity works


When tasks in our lives are simple, we have a sense of purpose and clarity. We know what to do and how to do it. It gives a sense of peace and it's easier to keep motivated and finish up your tasks. If we keep things simple in relationships, it means we communicate clearly, we let go of judgements, won't wear masks and stay authentic. 


So if it's so worthwhile to keep things simple, why don't we do it more often?

Complicating factors


Our emotions can sabotage what seems like a simple task. For example: we are scared to step up or scared of failing. However, other feelings can also stop us in our tracks. It's human to sometimes try to avoid feelings, which means we also will be avoiding important tasks. It could be cleaning out your closet, because you aren't ready yet to let go of some clothing. It could be going for another job, that suits you better, because you feel loyal to your boss.


Besides emotions, we can also have patterns where we can't see what needs to be done. We are overwhelmed by the scope of a project or we just don't know what is needed and need expert advice. Sometimes we are just being stubborn and refuse to get going. 


Trauma's can also keep us blocked from keeping things simple. If we have triggers, we automatically complicate things. Part of us is in the past, in our pain and not in the now. We don't do that on purpose, but it certainly makes life much harder. If we have a lot of baggage, we are living in "hard mode", instead of "easy mode". 


Exercise to keep it simple


Pick a situation that you find difficult and complicated, a sheet of paper and a pen (or digital tools) and take around 20 minutes to do this exercise:


  • What is your preferred outcome if you could just fix it.
  • Is that outcome realistic, if not, why not?
  • If it's a realistic outcome, what do you need to do? Make a 5 step plan for yourself
  • If it's not realistic, what kind of emotions are in the way?
  • How would you heal/process those emotions?
  • Is it a pattern to make situations like this complicated? If so, where did it start and how can you heal it?
  • Is there any past baggage that needs to be released, so you can see things clearly?


Or ask and answer the following questions:


  • What do I want?
  • Why am I not doing that?
  • What can I do to change that?


Being honest with yourself will help you cut through any bullshit you've been telling yourself. It takes practice, but soon you will be able to do this effortlessly and continue making your life simple. Another way to practice is to try to remove yourself a bit from the situation and ask what you'd advice somebody who told you this story. We tend to give better advice to others then to ourselves.


Want to comment on this article or talk to me about it? You can email me, post a message on the blog or send me a message on the Facebook Fan Page or on Instagram.


Dear People, 

I always get a lot of questions about my beliefs and recently I talked with somebody about entities and what I believe in. Beliefs of course will change over time, so while I'm writing this I know I might have better understanding as the years ago by. I don't do much entity work, but I am open to do so when it's necessary (with for example house cleansing or energy field cleansing) or when a message needs to be passed on (departed loved ones). 


People who passed on

Most common are departed loved one's that still come by and try to pass on messages to the people they love. They can try to reach the person directly, by dreams, smells or other activities or they can show up during healing sessions or during a Reading or at the preparation stage. 


People who passed on can also be connected to objects and places. Often they are not connected to a loved one, but instead they are present in a house, near an object or place etc. Sometimes they try to communicate, but more often people feel a presence, chills or have other symptoms that make them uncomfortable. 

For me there is a difference between people who have been to the Light and come back, often softer, more understanding and easier to connect too and people who continued to hang around. The second group is harder to connect with, as they haven't done their own emotional and spiritual work. I often ask for help to have them pass on and cleanse a house or place. 

Entities you can't recognize as people


Sometimes energy is there that seems to have been cognizant of something before, but you can't really talk to. This can be energy that's left behind after a passing, but can also be emotional energy that has been send out or other types of negative energy. It can get into people's energy field or in their homes and cause feelings of depression, pain or sadness or just make people feel tired. 


It's good to clear out those energies, especially since while they can feel malicious, they aren't that way on purpose. Sometimes people feel these entities are like parasites: they live off our energy and can make us feel drained. If I feel any in people's fields, I often help clear them out. 


I don't consciously look for one unless there is a reason to suspect people are experiencing this. I regularly check my energy field though, as entities can be attracted to high energy and joy, but also to people who've been through a lot and whose energy fields aren't as protected as they should be. 

Have a question for me about my work, me or my techniques? Post a comment on the blog, Facebook Fan Page, on Instagram or talk to me in the practice.

Dear People,

Being nurtured or nurturing others is a lovely way to stay connected to each other, stay vibrant and alive and to appreciate the beauty that is our world. We can nurture ourselves in so many different ways, but often, it can be hard to do this type of self care or we want to nurture others, but are unsure on how to do so. Time to work with some nurturing affirmations.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.
Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).
I am willing to be nurtured
I am willing to be nurtured by energy
I am willing to accept all nurturing energy available to me
I am willing to be nurtured by my family
I am willing to be nurtured by my friends
I am willing to be nurtured by my colleagues
I am willing to be nurtured by myself
I am willing to be nurtured by people

I nurture my body
I nurture my heart
I nurture my mind
I nurture my Spirit/Soul
I easily nurture others and myself with my voice
I easily nurture others and myself with my heart
I easily nurture others and myself with my mind
I easily nurture others and myself with my actions
I easily nurture others and myself
I accept all nurturing from my food
I accept all nurturing from others
I accept all nurturing from positive energy
I accept all nurturing from the earth
I accept all nurturing from the stars
I accept all nurturing from the moon
I accept all nurturing from the sun
I accept all nurturing from myself
I accept all nurturing available to me
I am nurtured by the food I eat
I am nurtured by sleep
I am nurtured by the light
I am nurtured by the sun
I am nurtured by people
I am nurtured by myself 
I am nurtured by positive energy
I am nurtured by God/Spirit/The Universe/Heaven
I am nurtured by the world/Mother Earth
I am nurtured by everything
Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by email or publicly online.

Dear people,

A lot of times when I work with clients and their relationships they will tell me they've told their partner 10.000 times what's wrong, but nothing changes. Sometimes they do need to work on their communication skills, but in other cases, communication just isn't enough. While it would be great that just talking would create a change and transform the issues, sometimes a little more is needed. I want to speak about this today.


Finding out if communication is the problem


If you want to know if communication is the problem, just ask people to repeat back to you what you've said. If they repeat back what you meant, then you are golden. If they don't, then, you do need to work on your communication skills. 


Generally speaking, I often see people soften their communication to such an extend that it creates confusion. Saying: "If you have the time, would you please do X", doesn't indicate urgency while saying: "I need you to fix X, by end of day", does. Saying: "I'm disappointed you forgot Y" isn't the same as saying: "I'm angry you forgot Y". It's fine to be polite, but make sure that you do communicate urgency as well as your true feelings.  

Finding out if understanding is the problem 


While it would be nice to just do the dishes because your partner asked you and remember to be on time because your mom appreciates it, the fact of the matter is, we all do better, when we know why. Understanding why a certain thing is important to the other person, makes it a much more of a priority for us. 


So, it's our responsibility to make sure the other person understands us. If we don't explain why something is harming us, our partner can dismiss it as "something small, no big deal" etc. If you find that your partner does repeat back to you what you said, but doesn't give it the same priority or doesn't seem to get why it matters, work on understanding each other. Share your feelings and thoughts behind your requests, desires and needs.

If you find yourself often dismissing the other persons requests or feelings, it's definitely time to work on your empathy. I always say: "If it's a problem for your partner, it's a problem for you", because it's the best way to keep your relationship healthy. When our partner is stressed, upset, angry, disappointed or in any way in trouble, they can't be as present, loving and kind as they normally would be. 


So even if it doesn't seem like a big deal to us, it does impact our enjoyment of life and each other. Ask for understanding, but remember: when we dismiss each other, we cause trouble in paradise. 

Finding out if you need to stand your ground


So, what if your partner can repeat it back to you and understands you,  but still won't make the change? He knows how much you get annoyed by dirty dishes, but he still won't do them or she understands you need a 15 minute break when you come home, but she still starts talking as soon as you are at the door. 


Then it's time to stand your ground. Often, we tend to give in, because we don't want to nag. So we do the dishes ourselves or we just listen while we are exhausted. This looks like a sweet thing, but it's not, as it will breed resentment and anger, while the other person is most likely seeing it as: "not such a big deal".


We teach people how we want to be treated. If we let it slide, it becomes the standard. So, you need to stand your ground. Leave the dishes. Don't respond to the conversation, but shut it down with a: "We talked about this, so unless it's an emergency, I'm taking my 15 minute break now and walk away. 

Our partners can have trouble changing their behavior, so we need to stand our ground, so the pattern can change. If your partner understands, they will apologize and even tell you to keep at it, so you can find your new healthier equilibrium. If your partner responds with anger, then, often, the understanding phase wasn't done well enough. 


It's hard to stand your ground. Nobody likes conflict, nobody likes feeling 'strict', but, if you won't do it, you will breed resentment and anger and in the end, this will mark the slow death of your relationship. Relationships can't stay healthy if boundaries keep being crossed over and over again.

Finding out if you need consequences


In very rare cases, our partners understanding and us standing our ground isn't enough. Then it's still not the two of you moving into a new pattern, but your partner unwilling to make a change that would be better for both of you. In that case, I offer that consequences should be the next natural step. 


Worst case scenario, the consequence for not creating a healthy relationship is of course the complete break down of a relationship like for an example a divorce. A lot of people are not comfortable creating consequences for a partner, but if you don't, the ultimate consequence will start to become more and more tempting. 


If you have had problems in the previous steps then this is where one partner might sometimes say: "The divorce came out of the blue, I don't know what happened", while the other person says: "I tried to get him/her to change and understand for years".  


If you are honest and clear with each other, you have to be clear that some behavior is a deal breaker and that it will have ultimate consequences. Others might have annoying consequences that will allow your partner to feel the same level of pain or annoyance as you. Sometimes that's what is necessary for us to really commit to a change. 


So if you are always hosting the dinners while your partner sits and doesn't help, you explained it, they understand, you stood your ground and not done all the work yourself creating less elaborate meals and still there is no help, then a natural consequence could be to stop hosting or to order dinner in or to only host for the people you wish to host for. Either you are happy with where you are at then or your partner will have no choice to step up. 


Consequences are the ultimate fail safe that we can need to learn, like a child burning it's hand to finally get it's hot. It's uncomfortable, but usually we only need to feel them once or twice to get the message. So, don't keep your partner from experiencing the natural consequences or it you will not see change and you doom your relationship. 


So, when people come to me craving change, sometimes I help them communicate better, sometimes I help them explain better and take on the responsibility of creating understanding, sometimes I teach them to stand their ground and protect their boundaries and rarely I teach them to give natural consequences. All in all, I've seen many miraculous changes occur and have had people astonished at how much difference communication, understanding, assertiveness and consequences can make. 


Want to create a change in your relationship? Don't hesitate to reach out. It doesn't matter if you come on your own or if your partner wants to join you. Transformation starts at the right level and will continue to improve lives in my practice. 


Want to comment on this article or talk to me about it? You can email me, post a message on the blog or send me a message on the Facebook Fan Page or on Instagram.




Dear People,

Purity can have very negative connotations for people, because they often feel that they've lost it. Maybe it's because they feel only virgins or children are pure. Or any other set of arbitrary rules splitting the world into pure and impure. For me return to purity is a beautiful thing was it allows us to shatter judgements about ourselves and others, it allows us to release guilt and return back to innocence.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.
Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).
I want to be pure
I want to have a pure body
I want to have pure thoughts
I want to have pure actions
I want to have pure love
I want to have pure innocence

I am willing to see the purity in nature
I am willing to see the purity in life
I am willing to see the pure love in others
I am willing to see the purity in actions of others
I am willing to see the purity in others
I see life as pure
I see nature as pure 
I see myself as pure
I see others as pure
I am pure love
I am pure soul
I am pure innocence
I am pure joy
I am pure laughter
I am pure happiness
I am pure release
I am pure energy
I am pure
Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by email or publicly online.


Dear People,

A lot has been written about how to deal with negative energy when you are energy sensitive and intuitive, but what about positive energy? When we are energy sensitive we can easily recharge in positive environments and feel immense feelings of contentment and peace. Time to share my favorite energy recharging places and habits.



We make jokes about 'tree hugging', but the positive environment of trees and plants is well documented. There has been research showing people that work in office spaces with plants actually have better hormone levels. 


Recharging in the forest is wonderful, just a slow walk under the trees can uplift and relax us. Actually hugging a tree is also a wonderful way to feel grounded, strong and stable. So, sneak a hug when nobody is looking if you feel self conscious and let the tree help you recharge. 


If you can't get away, getting some easy plants at home or in your garden is also a wonderful way to stay connected to the recharging energy of Mother Earth. Watch my Creating Joy with Plants video to see me with some of my plants.


I'm a true sea child and I do love love the sound of waves, prefer being on the water and love to swim. A lot of people recognize the recharging energy of the water. They talk about feeling better after a beach walk, feeling it clears their head or soothes their heart. 


Recharging near the water is wonderful if you have a troubled heart, as water helps us (re-)connect with our feelings, cleanses negative energy and brings out a playful side in us. So dipping your toes in the water or hearing a stream is a wonderful way to recharge.

If you can't get away, consider recharging under the shower or in the bath tub (especially with some nice bubble bath bombs), listening to some water music (streams, waterfall or thunderstorm) or just taking a relaxing foot bath.



Even people aren't inclined to believe that semi precious stones or crystals can improve people's lives acknowledge their beauty. There is something special about the thousands of years a crystal has grown and how it has done so organically. The energy of caves can be awe inspiring and make us feel comforted and safe.

I own a lot of small and a few big pieces, but I love working with Crystals. They can easily recharge us if we wear them, have them in our spaces (desks/beds etc.) or are just around us. I have many so it's hard to say what my favorite would be. I highly recommend also recharging your stones. 


If you want to see some of my collection, check out my Instagram, You will see pieces I work with appear there regularly or check the Healing for the Week video's. I love picking small pieces to display in the video.



Seeing uplifting art, listening to music or getting on our feet to dance, these connections with human made creativity are all a wonderful way to recharge. It doesn't matter if you are looking at formal art in a museum or gallery, going to a concert or dancing professionally or if you are just seeing something at home, human creativity recharges us.


I admit I own a lot of art, because I love recharging with it and being in a wonderful atmosphere. Creating your own art is also a wonderful way to uplift and recharge.  


So, don't focus only on the irritants of negative energy that you might be feeling day to day because you are sensitive, but celebrate the many ways of positive energy available to us daily. I'm sure I know many more ways to recharge with energy, but these are the ones I use the most.

Let me know how you recharge with positive energy or ask me a question on the blog, Facebook Fan page,  Instagram or in the practice if you want to hear more about my Psychic Life.



Dear People,

Clarity is often not as easy to achieve as we would like. We start doubting our course of action, we can't find a solution or we are unable to understand why a certain patterns keeps repeating. Asking for clarity and affirming that you find it helps to making your decision process faster, easier and more confident.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.
Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it). 
Enhance your clarity by listening to the 5 minute Clarity Manifestation Meditation on My YouTube Channel.
I am willing to see clearly
I want to see clearly
I choose to see clearly
I am brave enough to see clearly
I am open to clarity
I am willing to honestly look at my feelings
I am willing to understand my feelings
I am open to the truth about my feelings
I clearly see my feelings

I am willing to honestly look at my actions
I am willing to understand my actions
I am open to the truth of my actions
I clearly see my actions 

I am willing to honestly look at myself
I am willing to understand myself
I am open to the truth about myself
I clearly see myself

It's easy for me to see clearly 
It's easy for me to find clarity
It's easy for me to hear the truth
It's easy for me to see the truth
I recognize the truth
I ask to receive clarity from Spirit
I open myself to clarity from Spirit
I know I will receive clarity from Spirit
I receive clarity from Spirit
Daily I receive clarity from Spirit

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by email or publicly online. Want tips on how to make your own affirmations? Watch the Instagram Live to make your affirmations effective and fun.


Dear people,


Who wouldn't want to improve their life while they are sleeping? Dream work is a wonderful way to sleep your way towards the solution of problems, understanding yourself and creating more joy. There are many different techniques you can use, but today I will be talking about the basics and give you an exercise to try.

How to work with Dream work


For Dream work to actually work you need to be able to recall your dreams. For some of us that's simple, while others might need some time. Here are some tips to help you remember your dreams. Remember it often takes at least a week before you notice any effects. Perseverance is the key!


Do an affirmation before bed that you will remember your dreams to counteract your idea that you can't remember them or to improve your recall. Just repeat it 3 times after bed, for example: I will easily remember my dreams.

Another technique that personally I never used is based on letting your brain know what is expected by putting a glass of water next to your bed. Before bedtime, you take a sip of the glass of water, while focusing on the fact that you will remember your dreams. When you wake up, the first thing you do is take a sip again, and supposedly, this will help you remember what happened.

What do you need for Dream work

You need almost nothing to do Dream work, because we all need to sleep. However, I do highly recommend using a dream journal. You can use a piece of paper and a pen or use a dedicated notebook. Simply keep one next to your bed and try to write down what you remember in the morning. 


You will start to notice that the more you write, the more images and things will continue to pop up. Slowly the fragments that you remember will become longer stories. Since dreams don't make rational sense though, expect a lot of scene changes or fragments. It almost never is a readable story from beginning to end.

What can you do with Dream work

The most basic Dream work is just to register your dreams and interpret them so you can learn from them. However, you can also ask for advice on issues or work with Lucid Dreaming. Personally, I use Dream work mostly for advice and reflection. I also receive prophetic dreams about the future, but I never asked another person if they tried to do that with Dream Work.

Exercise: Creating a Dream Request


It's possible to request a Dream, concerning a certain issue. You can pinpoint a question or a theme for yourself. Be sure it's something you truly wish answered or wish to gain more understanding in. 


There are several things you can do to state your Request. You can pray, write it on a note, or use affirmation to request a specific Dream. Choose what makes you feel the most comfortable. If you want to request a dream about Healing, but you don't know what is most important for you at the time, just request: "A Healing Dream". Other types of Requests can include: "Solving problem X", "Understanding my behavior in case of Y" etc. 


Personally, for me, stating the request just before I go to bed is the best. Make sure you have some time to meditate before sleeping or simply to calm down and prepare yourself. After you feel you are calm and you have stated your Request so it's firmly in your mind, you can simply fall asleep.


Don't be discouraged if you don't remember your dream upon waking or feel that the dream you received has nothing to do with what you asked. Spend some time deciphering your dream or ask again at a later time. It might be that another important processing dream had to be dealt with first or a second or third dream might shed light on why the previous dreams have to do with your issue.

Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you want to do Dream work and have a question. You can email me, post a message on the blog or send me a message on the Facebook Fan Page or Instagram.

Dear people,

I often see people unwilling to ask for help or to invest in themselves, until there is a (big) problem. That means that we see our lives get worse and worse, until we truly have to accept that something is wrong. As if we can only go for a change when the situation has become unacceptable. It's much easier to turn things around when we have more energy left, when we aren't as emotionally hurt or mentally exhausted. So today I'm writing about how to change this mindset.

Embracing available help


While it's true that you can do things on your own just fine, doing things together is often faster and more joyful. By supporting each other, we share in success and love and increase bonding. We gift each other the satisfaction of helping out and feelings of gratitude and appreciation.


There is no problem too small to ask for help, whether it's from Heaven or from a friend, family member or colleague. If you find that situation hard to stomach, you probably feel that you gain in self confidence or self esteem for doing things on your own. You might feel that by doing it the hard way, you are proving something about yourself.


The question is: is what you are proving, worth it? If we all lived effortless lives, we'd be happier, more abundant and more connected. So, let's make all our lives easier and embrace the available help.

Don't wait until there is a breakdown

In our busy lives it's tempting to wait until something really breaks down. We can keep putting it off and focus on thing we find more urgent... until the problem becomes urgent. Just like a small leak that isn't tended to can turn into huge massive water damage, so can small frustrations turn into something much bigger.


If you always are feeling that you don't have the time or the energy to look at what's happening in your life, I highly suggest you find a better balance. You might have to delay some known big projects, so you can do some inner housekeeping. It's tempting to keep doing new things, but we need to take care of ourselves too. 

How small problems turn big


Mostly, problems start with small signs in the spiritual realm: feeling a bit more frustrated with your spouse, finding less enjoyment in a hobby or in your job and they are easily ignored. After that, it usually grows into the mental realm: you start noticing stress, impatience, worrying etc. and you start to believe something needs to change. If nothing is done, it will drop down the emotional and you will most likely experience sadness, disappointment, anger and other troubling emotions. If you still ignore it, it will turn into the physical realm and you will get health concerns. 


How often do you tell yourself: "I should have done something about this sooner" or "I can't believe how out of hand this got". If you do find yourself doing that, remember that a small problem will turn big with time passing. 


Creating an effortless flow


So, to make sure you ask for help at the right time, make it a habit to ask for help. Don't go at things alone, but allow Heaven to support you. When you notice something is off, take charge and ask for help. Deal with issues as they crop up and you will start noticing lots of things move better and happier.


All in all, creating a Flow of Miracles in your life takes some effort, but once it started, it's much easier to keep it going. So yeah, living a spiritually aware life might make others feel like your life is charmed, but you just learned to make the effort before there is a problem. 

Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you want to see what's going on in your life more clearly or want to work on something that still feels small. You can email me, post a message on the blog or send me a message on the Facebook Fan Page or Instagram.


Dear People, 

I always get a lot of questions about meditation. If I do it, how often I do it, if it's worth it etc. etc. Most questions come from people who try to meditate a lot to progress in their spiritual journey and are interested how I do it and from people who are struggling to meditate. I've done an Instagram Live answering some common questions and hosting a group meditation, but I love to discuss some things on the blog as well.

My meditation practice
If I do a focused meditation, I prefer using my meditation pillow to sit down or laying down in bed. I never do full lotus, as that isn't comfortable for me. I might work up to this yoga position, but for now my focus is on having the time and space to meditate. I also prefer active meditation from Osho, which is standing, dancing and shaking. I also like doing walking meditations and I prefer using a labyrinth or spiral for that. Now that I have a garden, I can do this type of meditation more easily. I also love laughter meditations.
I would say I'd do at least one type of meditation once a week, but I also have daily check ins in which I am mindful and in the moment. I don't meditate daily for a set amount of time, as I have different needs at different times. So sometimes I do many long meditations (1 hour +), while other times I might have 3 small meditations (5 minutes) a week.

Why I meditate
There are many reasons to meditate as it has a lot of benefits, but here is my top 3:
  1. I prefer to have a clear and solid connection to Spirit. Meditating helps me to create clarity and listen to my intuition easily. 
  2. I prefer to process my emotions, worries etc. by meditating. 
  3. I love using meditations in healing work, like shamanic journeys or manifestation meditation

There are many health benefits as well, but these are the ones that make me the happiest.


Why I recommend meditation

Our lives are continuously busy and it's hard to find moments of reflection. It's like we are constantly adding stress, but only rarely removing it. Meditation is a powerful tool to increase intuition (making our lives easier!) and well being. 


I think meditation is for everyone, but finding the right meditation practice for yourself is vital. If you try a focused breath meditation and a few days or weeks in you still haven't reached a meditative trance or space, it's very discouraging. I also feel that different types of meditation also fill different needs, so I prefer a mix, while others might prefer to dive deep in a single meditation practice. 


If you have any questions about meditation, feel free to watch back the Instagram Live and leave a comment there or here. Want to meditate more? Check out my Manifesting Meditations on YouTube and see if they work for you.

Have a question for me about my work, me or my techniques? Post a comment on the blog, Facebook Fan Page, on Instagram or talk to me in the practice.


Dear People,

Kindness is an important force of good, but some of us can struggle with being kind to ourselves or to others. Many of us have heard harsh and critical words and have internalized them. Nobody can take advantage of true kindness, as it's a freely given force, but some of us might feel that way. Time to open up to more kindness, so our world can become more gentle, nicer and happier.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.
Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).
Enhance your kindness by listening to the 5 minute Kindness Manifestation Meditation on My YouTube Channel.
I see the power of kindness
I understand the power of kindness
I feel the power of kindness 
I embrace the power of kindness
I freely share the power of kindness
I am open to being kind to myself
I am willing to be kind to myself
I am regularly kind to myself
I am always kind to myself
I am open to being kind to others
I am willing to be kind to others
I regularly am kind to others
I am always kind to others

I am kind when I make mistakes
I am kind when I am angry at myself
I am kind when I am disappointed in myself 
I am kind when I critique myself
I am kind when I support myself
I am kind when others make mistakes
I am kind when I'm angry at others
I am kind when I'm disappointed in others
I am kind when I critique others
I am kind when I support others
I am a force of kindness in my life
I am a force of kindness in the lives of others
I am a force of kindness in the world
I am kindness

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by email or publicly online.


Dear people,

Like I've shown on Instagram, I often see people whose energy body looks just like a balloon. All the energy is focused on the head area which is usually working in total overdrive. People feel exhausted, worry a lot and while they work hard they often have limited results in reaching their purpose. We definitely need our energy body to be connected to our hearts and body to create a Flow of Miracles.


You can watch the Breaking Free of Mental Control video and do the True Unity exercise for yourself, but in this blog post I will write some things that you can do in your daily life to help achieve more balance.


Reduce the importance of mental energy/your mind

When you identify with only your mind or your brain, when you make that part of you the boss, you can't get out of balloon people energy. Once you recognize that your mind is often wrong you can start reducing the importance. 


You see that sometimes you thought things through and they still went differently then expected. You noticed how you worried yourself sick about something that never happened or that you were creating scenarios in your mind that were in the end just lost energy and time. Our minds can trick us and are definitely not infallible.


Whenever you feel you are stuck in the mind loop, just reduce it by telling yourself this truth: "My mind won't be 100% correct and it's just creating a possibility that hasn't even happened yet". 

Clarify who the real leader is

Most people who enthroned the Mind as their boss seem confused who should be the decision maker if it's not the Mind. They ask me if they should follow their Heart exclusively then (which, without properly invested mind energy often leads us into bad trouble as well). Curiously nobody ever asked me if they should follow Body, which just shows how disconnected we often are from that beautiful teacher. 


I believe the true leader in your life should be God, any name you prefer to call that higher power. Be it, Spirit, the Universe, Higher Self of whatever fits your world view. Once the true leader is there, you can allow yourself to be balanced and have all of you be a vehicle for growth and signals. 


Your body, heart and mind, your intuition, inner child etc. etc. all of them will work in tandem if you have the correct leader. God will help you balance all your signals/sides and bring you to wholeness. 


So, another option to step out of this trap is to just surrender to God, honor all parts of you and move towards trust. 


Reconnect with your other signals

Focusing on your other signals will help you remember that you aren't supposed to only listen to your mind. Some people do that naturally, and go running to clear their heads or choose to meditate, while others need a little more support. This exercise will help you get a clear view on everything that is happening.


  • Take a piece of paper or record what you are saying
  • Focus on the issue that you are worried about/are overthinking or just on the now
  • Ask what your body has to tell you. Listen to what it feels and what signals it gives (pain/tiredness/hunger/ etc. etc.)
  • Ask what your heart has to tell you. Feel what emotions pop up, move through them until you have your clear message.
  • Ask your Mind to repeat what it has been telling you. Listen to it's conclusions and thoughts.
  • Ask what your intuition has to tell you. Listen to the quiet voice and hear it's message.
  • Ask if any other part of you wants to speak. Listen to what happens.
  • Ask God or your higher power to help you integrate this messages into a step forward (if you have been worried about an issue) or just integrate the message for inner understanding
  • Be thankful
  • Go do your next step or enjoy your new understanding.

If you need more support reach out for an intake to release this imbalance.



Dear People,

We all need purpose in our lives, so it doesn't feel dead and meaningless. When we find out Soul's purpose, we won't only find meaning, we also receive boundless energy, joy, growth and many other gifts. While many of us long for our Soul's purpose, we also feel fear sometimes about having to accomplish a 'big thing' or even multiple big things. So, time for some affirmations.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.
Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).
I am ready to feel my purpose
I am ready to acknowledge my purpose
I am ready to find my purpose
I am ready to understand my purpose
I am ready to trust my purpose 
I am ready for my purpose
I understand support is always available 
I am willing to ask for support for my purpose
I am able to ask for support for my purpose
I am always supported in my Soul's purpose

I am open to taking the next step in my Soul's purpose journey
I am ready to take the next step in my Soul's purpose journey
I am willing to embrace the next step in my Soul's purpose journey
I take the next step in my Soul's purpose journey
I confidently walk the path of my Soul's purpose
I joyfully walk the path of my Soul's purpose
I lovingly walk the path of my Soul's purpose
I mindfully walk the path of my Soul's purpose
I wholeheartedly walk the path of my Soul's purpose

I am open to receiving the rewards of my Soul's purpose
I am ready to receive the rewards of my Soul's purpose
I accept the rewards of my Soul's purpose
I accept the rewards of my Soul's purpose wholeheartedly
I embrace all the rewards of my Soul's purpose
I embrace all the rewards of my Soul's purpose wholeheartedly

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or on my Instagram. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice or by email.


Dear people,

Guilt keeps us a prisoner of the past: we can't turn back time to undo what we feel so guilty about. Underlying guilt can create unhealthy behavior as we are seeking punishment for what we feel guilty about or try to compensate for our guilt by self sacrifice. While everybody knows how important forgiveness is, not many people take the time to examine their guilt and their behavior. So let's move past guilt today.


Guilt is a manufactured emotion

When I first heard that guilt was a manufactured emotion I was stunned. Surely that can't be true. Guilt is like any other emotion that just popped up in my life. Once I took some time to examine that, I realized however that it is true. We choose how guilty we feel about our behavior. We can feel extreme guilt over the smallest things: like forgetting somebodies birthday or being 5 minutes late. Or feel no guilt at all for behavior that objectively isn't very good, like cheating a company out of money or hurting another person. 


Our beliefs are the deciding factor in how much guilt we feel. If we are able to give ourselves "reasons" for our behavior, we might feel hardly any guilt. If we believe we did something deeply wrong, even if the other person forgives us, we might be consumed by guilt for a long time. So yes, how much guilt you feel is absolutely a choice.


Guilt forming beliefs

Once you know that you choose how guilty you feel, you can see what beliefs create more and more guilt. Beliefs around not being able to make mistakes, not allowing yourself to be human and having to be perfect create guilt. Beliefs around being not good enough and needing to be the hero or the fixer create more guilt. Beliefs about what is an unforgivable mistake or action only create more guilt. 


Take some time to think on what you are doing to yourself with those beliefs. Guilt never leads to a better outcome. I highly recommend releasing all guilt forming beliefs as soon as possible.

The two paths of guilt

Generally speaking, there are two ways that make us feel guilty. 


The first path is us not doing something or doing something that we see as bad. So this is all about us, what we have decided about ourselves and our behavior. We might be able to hide our own judgement a little bit, but once you feel guilt, there was a judgement involved. If you walk this path, it's important that you practice self-forgiveness, find out where you are self sabotaging and move forward into more self love. 


The second path is where we feel we failed somebody else's expectations and that makes us feel guilt tripped. Sometimes people really lay on the guilt thick, but other times they can accept our no, but we still feel guilty. Once somebody else is involved, we can project our anger onto them (they shouldn't have asked) and become resentful. We can also hide into self sacrifice, which we still feel guilty about, because we know we didn't really want to help. If you walk this path, it's important you forgive everybody involved and heal the wound within that made you feel that you owed something to the other person. 


Guilt Exercise

Find some time to sit down and really listen to what's going on with your own guilt. I recommend you take at least 30 minutes. However guilt is super uncomfortable, so if you only manage to take 5 minutes, take 5 minutes.


  • Close your eyes
  • Breathe in and out
  • Feel how much guilt you are carrying
  • Feel how it's dampening your soul expression 
  • Feel how it's keeping you from being free
  • Feel how it's with holding the power of innocence
  • Ask your Guides or Angels to help you release all this guilt
  • Set your intention to release as much as you can handle
  • Imagine your guilt being removed bit by bit while you gently breathe out
  • Let light enter the places formerly clouded by guilt
  • Allow that light to show you what wisdom is there for you
  • Accept the gifts that now come to light by breathing in gently
  • Breath in and out until you feel centered and happy
  • Open your eyes 


If you want some more help releasing guilt, check out my YouTube video and do the True Unity exercise or ask me for an intake. 


Dear People,

Recently a client asked me what the differences are between a boost and a healing session. A smart question, because you can find the personal healing sessions under services on my website and sometimes different types of boost under events. So today I'm talking about the three main differences between them. 


Difference 1: Personalized focus

One of the things that is clear to see that a healing session always has a personalized focus. We decide together what you want to work on during your intake. A boost has a focus I've chosen, based on what I feel global energy or month energy is showing me many people need. So a boost doesn't need an intake.

So if you want to make a decision based on a healing session vs a boost, the main question would be: does the focus work for you? If the focus I've chosen is one that you do want to work on or that does resonate as necessary for you, book a boost. If you feel you need something different ask for an intake for a healing session.

Difference 2: Solve a problem or reach a next level

When I have a healing session, often, there are things people want to let go or a problem they want to resolve. As such, mostly there is a clear issue that they want help with. Healing energy takes a much longer time to resolve blockages, due to humans not dealing too well with rapid changes.

With a boost, it's often not a problem that makes people feel that they want some extra help, but a new level that they want to reach. They see that they'd love to have some more growth in their lives and choose to have a growth boost. Results are usually fast and in the first 3 weeks.


If you feel you need more help to reach the next level, due to more blockages, definitely choose a healing session. If you have long standing chronic problems in the focus area, a boost isn't the right way to solve them.

Difference 3: Cost, time and opportunity

Since a boost doesn't need an intake and doesn't need after care at 6 weeks,  I can offer it for cheaper than a regular session. I also sometimes offer 25 minute sessions instead of 50 minute sessions, making it an even better deal if you are looking for a small lift upwards or could just use a bunch of positive energy. 


Remember that I only offer boost for a set amount of time, so if you do resonate with the focus of the boost, it's best to book it. Once it's gone, it's gone and you will have to book a regular healing session to reach your next level. You will get more personalized care and deeper results, but if that isn't what you want, book your boost as soon as possible.


Have a question for me about my work, me or my techniques? Post a comment on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or talk to me in the practice.


Dear People,

Light can bring so much greatness in our lives. Light can be clarity because we shine a light on what is truly going on, allowing us to see the truth. Light can be a power of positivity: being a light worker, bringing God's light or being enlightened. Light can cleanse out impurities or enliven us with energy. Light is incredibly versatile, so time to create some affirmations about Light.

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up.
Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).
I embrace the Light
I embrace the Light of God
I embrace the Light of others
I embrace my own Light

I let Light shine through me
I let Light shine through nature
I let Light shine through the world
I let Light shine through others.
I let Light shine
I am cleansed by Light
I am uplifted by Light
I am graced by Light
I am energized by Light
I am nurtured by Light
I am surrounded by Light
I am committed to the Light
I am committed to let Light improve my life
I am committed to let Light improve the lives of others
I am committed to let Light improve the world

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice, by email or publicly online.

Dear People,

With everything going on, this question recently was on my mind a lot more then usually. I hope everybody's friends and families stay safe. A lot of people railing against fate or grieving loved ones. It's hard when it's our time to go, because no matter what we want, when it's time, it's time. So today, I'm writing a bit about this sad part of life and how it affects me and my gifts.

Have I predicted death in my personal life?
Yes, while I've been lucky so far, I have lost people. I've seen the death of one person close to me before hand. I had a very strong dream that she'd pass away on a certain day. I could see myself at the airport, making a call and getting the news. I knew instantly that it was a prediction because I was extremely calm and I deeply loved this person, so a notification of death would have been devastating. 

When I woke up I decided to spend the last few months seeing them more than usually, before leaving on that 1 year student exchange trip. Obviously I wasn't the only one feeling something, as I was asked to promise to come back for a funeral. There was no illness or reason to believe death would occur. 

On my arrival day, I did get a phone call that they had suffered several mini strokes and a heart attack, but didn't pass away. However, things looked very dire. In the end they survived, but due to memory issues never really remembered me. So it felt that the person I had known, had died that day. 

When I was in a relationship many years ago, I also had a strong feeling that the grandmother of my partner would die. At the time he was estranged from her. She suddenly ended up in the hospital with a relatively small thing, but I just knew she wouldn't be leaving. I asked him if he wanted to visit her and he said he was done with her. I then asked if he'd be ok leaving things like that if she died. He said he was. I don't think he understood that I had had a death prediction, but since no predictions are 100% accurate, I wouldn't have said that in the first place. She did unexpectedly pass away, as she got an infection that suddenly got worse and her body just couldn't handle it. 

Have I been asked to predict death?
Yes, many times. Often it's for shock value, people who don't believe in the work I do, have felt the need to ask me that. I'm not sure why this is such a common question, as we all die, so why would the timing of it, be so important? Also, if I'm right, you've died, so it's not like it will be useful to me or you. If you don't believe in the work I do, you won't make any arrangements anyway. 
There are times when a death prediction is a reason for me to do a Reading.  This is because when people know death is near there are a lot of decisions that need to be made. If you know you are terminal or have denigrating disease, knowing how much time you have will help you. 
For caregivers, knowing somebody has a few months left, means a level of care might be still done at home, while knowing it's going to take 2 years is a different story. I've seen people lament this both ways: putting somebody into hospice care, because care got too heavy, only for the person to die a few hours later or trying to keep everything running at home and getting into health problems themselves because years later the person is still alive. 
When I do a Reading, I try to see how fast the disease will progress and you often can see different phases. For one person, whose mom was suffering from dementia and in a care home, the path was very clear and she did died in the exact month I saw. It gave her the time to say goodbye, to prepare for each phase and to space out her visits appropriately.
For another person, the situation was more uncertain. He had been given up already and then pulled through. There wasn't a short term terminal disease per se, but he was struggling with a lot of issues in the hospital that were hard on the body (infection etc.) and with a longer term terminal disease. I agreed to do a Reading for free, but said it probably wouldn't be as useful, as the body can suddenly quit. It seemed like he might be still there for a few months, but in the end fever spiked and he did pass away suddenly.
When it's not about death, but death still shows up
I would never just tell people that somebody they love or they themselves are going to die soon. That would be highly unethical in my opinion. I'm not God, so I'm not 100% certain and letting somebody live under the specter of death isn't right. So if you do order a Reading, I'd never tell you that. I usually do say something more subtle or steer somebody in the direction of spending time with people as we never know when our time on earth is up if it feels like it needs to be said.

If I'm asked to do a Healing for somebody, I do feel I have the right to decline if I think it's not useful. That might be because somebody is unwilling to change, hasn't given permission and should be able to do that or if somebody's time is up. I had somebody ask if I could give some extra energy or even do a session with a family member that was currently in the hospital. I saw that things were terminal, so I told her, that it wouldn't be useful for health, but was possible for acceptance or pain relief. The next day the doctors found more problems and told the family the terminal diagnosis. 

Have a question for me about my work, me or my techniques? Post a comment on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or talk to me in the practice.