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Thoughts on Healing: Balancing both energy flows

By  Rianne Collignon     February 27, 2023    Labels:,, 



Dear people,


I've written about grounding regularly, about centering and about cleansing, yet even while doing all of that, sometimes people still feel like their energy is out of balance. This can be due to one or both of the energy flows not moving correctly. So today I'm writing about how you can notice that and what you can do about it.


The upwards energy flow


When we ground, we work on the energy flow that moves upwards, focusing on connecting to the earth and feeling it from the earth, towards the bottom of our feet,  through our bodies and then outwards from the tops of our heads (or sometimes even above that).


If this flow isn't working correctly, we have trouble letting things go, moving forward or processing our own emotions. We can also feel unmoored, unsure of ourselves and outside of our own bodies.


The flow can be blocked, it can be a single trickle instead of a good flow, it can be moving in wrong directions or even pool as energy in a certain part of our body. Depending on what has gone wrong, you can have various physical ailments.

The downwards energy flow


When we connect to our Higher Power, God, The Universe, Spirit or whatever we want to call it, we work on the energy flow that moves downwards, focusing on connecting above the tops of our heads, through our bodies and then outwards from the bottom of our feet (or sometimes even below that).


If this flow isn't working correctly, we have trouble listening to our own inner voice, trouble getting inspiration and finding it hard to stay on our Soul Path. We can also feel directionless, unfulfilled or generally frustrated.


The flow can be blocked, it can be a single trickle instead of a good flow, it can be moving in wrong directions or even pool as energy in a certain part of our body. Depending on what has gone wrong, you can have various mental or emotional ailments.

How the flows work together

If you can strongly visualize or look inward, you can see that both these flows work in tandem with each other. If they are balanced, you learn your lessons and listen to your signals, while surrendering what no longer works and finding what to do.

With me, usually, the downwards flow is more on the forefront of my body (having to do with the future and the now) and the upwards flow is more towards the back (having to do with releasing the past), but that's not always the case. Sometimes people feel them both in the middle or spiraling around each other. 

If they work in tandem, you might also notice energy moving from one flow to another or them both connecting to each other at a certain point. So that you have more of a loop, instead of two separate streams.

What you sense in your body has to do with what is necessary for your own energy balance. So you don't have to visualize both flows at the same strength or speed. Allow them to find their own harmony within you based on your own progress in life.


Energy flow balancing exercise

Make sure you have around 10-15 minutes to do this exercise and find a comfortable position to sit or lay down in. Turn your phone on silent and make sure you are not disturbed.


  1. Slowly breathe in an out a few times while you feel the flow of your breath in your body.
  2. Move your attention towards you feet and slowly move down towards the center of the earth breathing in and out.
  3. Connect to the inner core of the earth energy and see it slowly flow upwards towards you, hitting the soles of your feet and then moving upwards throughout your body, leaving you at the crown of your head.
  4. Pay attention to how this flow is moving. Is it fast or slow? Is it sluggish at certain places? Just move your attention with it, from your feet to your head, several times. If you see a place that looks off, just give it some loving attention or ask for help to return it to a natural healthy flow.
  5. Once your upwards earth connection flow is doing well, turn your attention to energy above you.
  6. Connect to your sense of Higher Power, God, The Universe or Spirit. Feel the love rain down towards you, your head, all the way through your body and out through your feet.
  7. Observe this downwards flow. Is it fast or slow? Is it sluggish at certain places? Just move your attention with it, from your head to your feet, several times. If you see a place that looks off, just give it some loving attention or ask for help to return it to a natural healthy flow.
  8. Once that flow is also doing well, you might notice interactions between both flows, if they support each other or spiral next to each other. 
  9. Connect both flows, in a loop, so you move from your head to your feet down one flow and from your feet to your head up the other flow. Repeat that until you feel balanced and whole.
  10. Gently open your eyes and eat or drink something to firmly return to your body.


If you still have trouble being balancing your energy flows, don't hesitate to reach out. If you want to share your experiences with this exercise or your thoughts, leave a comment on this Blog, my Facebook Fan Page or contact me on Instagram.

About Rianne Collignon

Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon writes blog posts to help you achieve your Flow of Miracles. It’s her mission to help people remember their birthright: A happy healthy growing soul. Creating more self awareness, joy and spiritual growth is her passion.

She loves being a teacher and giving clear exercises to help you grow. Besides this blog, she offers a multitude of free tools for spiritual souls on YouTube and Instagram (including Live Sessions).

She has developed her own unique healing technique True Unity to help people find their authentic voice, remove obstacles and step into a new level of healing. You can work with her 1 on 1 by requesting a free intake at https://www.flowofmiracles.com, if you love group work sign up for a workshop/seminar or join the online Circle of Light.

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