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Joys of a Psychic Life: Replacing Items before they seem to need to be replaced!

By  Rianne Collignon     October 06, 2012    Labels: 
Dear People,

We all have those little disasters in life: your car suddenly stops working, your fridge dies or your laptop just won't start. For most people, it feels like there has been no warning at all! It usually means that people lose files, urgently need help or need to buy a new appliance on the fly. Often this is very stressful.

However, when living the Psychic Life, you do get a warning and that usually means you live a relaxed life. Most of my warnings go in the following categories:

Sudden urge to shop:
Usually when something at the end of life cycle I get the sudden urge to shop. I find myself looking at washing machines or shoes, even though they weren't on my "to-buy"-list at all. This usually happens around 3-4 months in advance, so I might have a good idea of what I want before I actually need to replace something.

Direct Psychic Flash
Sometimes I see myself buying something new and/or have the feeling I have to be in a certain shop or I see a new something in my future. I then know it has to be replaced urgently and I usually make sure it gets replaced fast!

There are many examples that I could tell you about, but most telling is that I've almost never had to replace something when it was already broken. I've had some items 12 years or more before I had the feeling I needed to replace them and they weren't necessarily at the end of their lives according to their manufacturers.

Psychic Life Moving
Another beautiful example of this type of being in tune with life is when I decided December 2017 that I wanted to refurnish the practice in Summer 2018. I felt that after 10 years it was time to buy some new furniture and decide on maybe some new curtains and even redo the floor and paint maybe one of the walls. I'd already looked for some things that I liked when March 2018 I noticed that the neighbors opposite the hallway had movers going in and out. They were moving out!

Their space had a lot of things that were high on my wish list:
  • A beautiful wooden floor
  • A wall already painted in a color I liked
  • Beautiful natural light due to roof windows/skylights while maintaining the privacy I craved.
Of course I immediately called my landlord to ask if I could rent their space and how much it would cost. Since it was end of March he wanted me to start renting by the beginning of April. Luckily for me I could take a long weekend and have everything fixed to move over, due to having done most of the work before the space became available. My next door neighbors that were going to rent my old space were amazed how fast I got everything done!

While having your intuition tell you these kind of things doesn't seem very flashy compared to predictions concerning your love life, the lottery or your career, it sure makes for a pleasant life!

Did you ever have a prediction concerning ordinary items? Expand upon it by adding a comment on this blog or on the Facebook Fan Page!

About Rianne Collignon

Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon writes blog posts to help you achieve your Flow of Miracles. It’s her mission to help people remember their birthright: A happy healthy growing soul. Creating more self awareness, joy and spiritual growth is her passion.

She loves being a teacher and giving clear exercises to help you grow. Besides this blog, she offers a multitude of free tools for spiritual souls on YouTube and Instagram (including Live Sessions).

She has developed her own unique healing technique True Unity to help people find their authentic voice, remove obstacles and step into a new level of healing. You can work with her 1 on 1 by requesting a free intake at https://www.flowofmiracles.com, if you love group work sign up for a workshop/seminar or join the online Circle of Light.


  1. Ya, exactly the same happens with me also. There are some things which I have to buy urgently and some needs to replace time to time.

  2. Dear Meryem,

    It's lovely isn't it, to have those kind of Psychic Flashes?

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!



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