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Questions from the Practice: Sessions vs The True Path Plan

By  Rianne Collignon     March 24, 2015     
Dear People,

While I always strive to be clear on what type of services I offer - I don't want to clog the website with a lot of text. So today I'm going to write about the differences between booking sessions and ordering the "True Path Plan" so you can see what is right for you.

Differences between sessions and the True Path Plan

People who book a session always have a certain idea or goal in mind, whether it is solving a problem, healing, relaxation, getting answers to their questions or just out of curiosity. Most of the time I have 5-7 sessions if the goal is healing, 1-2 sessions if the goal is answering questions and 1 session if the goal is an energy boost or relaxation. You can of course come back with different questions, a different issue or another request for more relaxation or an energy boost.

During these sessions you have full flexibility on what is done in the sessions (except on time, as I have other clients), so sometimes for example a healing session gets a bit of a massage or after a massage people have a small question that needs answering. As long as it fits within the time and my ethics, it's your session so you can do with it what you want. You can give me feedback, but most clients don't do this until after their set of sessions are finished by letting me know how their life is now or just checking in with me after a few months. If you don't give me feedback that's fine too.

However, for results, you have less flexibility in timing, as it's often very important to have sessions every 2-3 weeks in the beginning moving towards 4-6 weeks when we have reached a healthier stage. If you have sessions further apart, often most of the session is spend cleaning out the energy field and resolving the damage instead of working towards healthier behavior.

If you book the True Path Plan, the intake, looks a bit like a normal session. We discuss what you want to accomplish and I check what is blocking you. What's new is that we set fixed goals you want to achieve, we discuss homework and you receive a report that you can reflect back on. We discuss what type of support you prefer (e-mail/phone). You regularly check in with me by phone or e-mail to change your home work, get support or to book your session minutes.

During the plan you have limited flexibility (if you want to work on something else you need to book a session or use your session minutes), but you receive regular support and have the opportunity to give feedback. I will use your feedback to adjust your homework and reflect on the goals we set.

You will have almost full flexibility on timing as the Plan works within the next 12 months and as long as you do your exercises and home work, you should move towards a healthier stage on your own, planning your session minutes when they are most necessary.

Example 1: Career change

Suppose you are a client who is looking for a change in careers. You aren't satisfied with what you are doing and you want to see where you belong.

If you book sessions we will:
  • check out underlying issues on why you are dissatisfied with your current career
  • heal issues that prevent you from moving forward
  • discover your core strengths
And you have flexibility on anything else you need during sessions to successfully switch careers. If during sessions you want to speak about something else or another issue comes up you are also able to address that instead of focusing in the career.

If you book the True Path Plan:
  • the intake report shows goals, core strengths and what needs healing
  • you will receive home exercises to clear out any issues that are preventing you from moving forward and to help you move forward with ease or you can use your session minutes to do this with me
  • you can request positive energy for interviews and job prospects
  • you can ask my opinion about possible job prospects 
  • you can request new exercises and/or have them modified
And at the end of the plan you will have met the goals we have set and have learned how to help yourself. Please note: goals will be set appropriately within your range of possibilities (like doing interviews in a calm and happy manner vs getting a job in the field you want).

Example 2: Relationship change

Suppose you are a client who is single and looking for love. You want to build a lasting, happy relationship and you want support achieving that.

If you book sessions we will:
  • check out underlying issues on why old relationships didn't work out
  • heal issues that prevent you from moving forward towards a new relationship
  • discover what you want from your relationships
  • discuss possible matches
And you have flexibility on anything else you need during sessions to move towards a loving relationship as well as flexibility on any other issue that becomes important in your life.

If you book the True Path Plan:
  • the intake report shows goals, relationship knowledge and what needs healing
  • you will receive home exercises to clear out any issues that are preventing you from moving forward and to help you move forward with ease or you can use your session minutes to do this with me
  • you can request positive energy for dates and discuss possible matches
  • you can request support if a date doesn't work out 
  • you can request new exercises and/or have them modified
And at the end of the plan you will have met the goals we have set. Please note: goals will be set appropriately with your possibilities (like dating like it's fun and adventurous vs building the relationship you want if there is no prospective partner).

Still wondering what is right for you? You can always discuss your options with me by e-mail or by phone.

Have a question you want answered? Don't hesitate to comment on the blog, the Facebook Fan Page or ask me in the practice.

About Rianne Collignon

Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon writes blog posts to help you achieve your Flow of Miracles. It’s her mission to help people remember their birthright: A happy healthy growing soul. Creating more self awareness, joy and spiritual growth is her passion.

She loves being a teacher and giving clear exercises to help you grow. Besides this blog, she offers a multitude of free tools for spiritual souls on YouTube and Instagram (including Live Sessions).

She has developed her own unique healing technique True Unity to help people find their authentic voice, remove obstacles and step into a new level of healing. You can work with her 1 on 1 by requesting a free intake at https://www.flowofmiracles.com, if you love group work sign up for a workshop/seminar or join the online Circle of Light.

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