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Last Monthly Evaluation Reading

By  Rianne Collignon     January 14, 2014    Labels: 
Dear People,

I wanted to combine the November and December Readings, but December was a whirlwind that just shook up many things. Some of you know my sister ended up in the hospital a few days before Christmas and that put a dent in the time I had to update the blog.

So today, even though it's the halfway mark in January, I'm officially doing the last Monthly Evaluation Reading to end 2013. I know a lot of people who do symbolic endings for their year and most of the time I don't, but 2013 has been a heavy year for me. 2014, as I told a client yesterday, will be Power Woman year, so I'm planning to kick ass.

I've decided to go with the "Hemels Licht, Wijsheden van de Engelen" from Sulamith Wulfing, which has illustrations that I just love.

What should I take away with me from 2013: 11. Don't ask somebody who knows the path for directions, because afterwards you will never be able to get lost
An interesting card in which you can see a larger Angel holding on to a child. I know that oftentimes, people are afraid to listen to their intuition. Afraid because it might tell you to make a decision or to take a path that you don't want to take. In the bible Jonah's story is a prime example of that, wanting to flee instead of face what he knows is right.

I'm human. Sometimes I'm scared to ask for the road. Scared to hear that I need to make sacrifices that I don't want to make. Scared that I will hear something that I do not like. Even so, I need truth in my life, to make the best decisions and to live a life that is vibrant. 2013 had some very uncomfortable truths for me and others around me. I will continue to try to be brave and face these truths.

What should I leave behind from 2013: 18. Because you have placed your loved one on a pedestal, in the end, you will be unjust to them.
Ah, well, I know this one, quite well. I've talked about it only yesterday. Sometimes I just wish people can be nice, polite, caring and great. It's been the bane of my existence that I can be very disappointed when people are selfish, careless, jealous or otherwise engaged in activities that I dislike.

I know that I need to find it in my heart to let go of that judgement and to embrace all people, on all levels. I will ask my Angels to help me leave this behind in 2013 and to start 2014 with Acceptance.

What do I need to know about 2014: 32. The Law of the Spiritual Path is simple: Say little, be very loving, give everything, judge nobody, strive for everything that is good and move tirelessly forward.
Well, there isn't much more to say to that, I must say. I'm not that happy with the tirelessly forward part, but the rest, the rest is all fine. I believe truly, that only the Path to a vibrant life, to a Spiritual Life is what brings all joys, love and fulfilment on our Path.

I wish everybody the best in 2014 and hope your life and year will be filled with goodness, joy, love, care and happiness. You all deserve the best! This has been the last Evaluation Reading - this year I will be writing more healing exercises and answering more questions on the blog.

About Rianne Collignon

Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon writes blog posts to help you achieve your Flow of Miracles. It’s her mission to help people remember their birthright: A happy healthy growing soul. Creating more self awareness, joy and spiritual growth is her passion.

She loves being a teacher and giving clear exercises to help you grow. Besides this blog, she offers a multitude of free tools for spiritual souls on YouTube and Instagram (including Live Sessions).

She has developed her own unique healing technique True Unity to help people find their authentic voice, remove obstacles and step into a new level of healing. You can work with her 1 on 1 by requesting a free intake at https://www.flowofmiracles.com, if you love group work sign up for a workshop/seminar or join the online Circle of Light.

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