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Monthly Evaluation Reading

By  Rianne Collignon     June 23, 2012    Labels: 
Dear People,

Well, the Monthly Readings aren't really on time that much anymore, but I do quite like them so I will suffer the fact that I seem to be always 1 Month behind! For this Reading I chose the Housewives Tarot. I adore this little Deck because it's spunky, retro and funny. I decided to go with the big Spread called: "The Martini" (did I mention funny already?) for this Reading which you guessed already, is in the shape of a Martini.

What is the Practice present position: The Empress
Oh, a lovely lovely Major Arcana. In this Deck she is represented by an older mom figure which holds up a book called: Recipes for Success". I do find that the practice is very succesfull at the moment. I'm adoring my clients, the workshops and the courses, but... I don't think I'm there yet! She has a lot of food on the table and that sadly, isn't the case yet for me!

What is my present expectation: Nine of Pentacles Rx
This card shows a woman who has a dishwasher for a body, picking out just on plate, but she is busy with many inside of her. Yes, I do expect a lot of work! I hope to not be the only one though, and have some help getting those plates (ideas, opportunities) out. I still have some workshops and other things on the slow burn. I don't think they will move along as quickly as I would like.

What is the unexpected that may happen: The Emperor
Oh, that's funny, the Empress and the Emperor are both next to each other now. Well, it would be a nice surprise to have someone take a strong interest in the Practice and to build something together! I have an inkling who this might be, but I'm not telling...

What is the Practice's Past: The Devil Rx
Many people do not like the Devil as a card, but in this Deck she is a chocolate pie, but sexy legs! I always grin when I see her. The Devil is not such a bad card at all, although it might shock. I've been working with Cards for years, so I know how to get the important message from each of them.
Devil in this Deck is really about materialism and I know it hasn't been about that for me in the past - hence the hike up in price to make things work for me. It's an admonishment that I have to take into account that I need to earn enough to live! 

What is in the Practice's Future: 8 of Cups
This card shows a woman wiping her forehead and a stack of 8 Cups. Phew, it looks like a lot of work is in the future. As well as some decision making - 8 Cups are too much for me. Although perfect for workshops (in which 8 people is my max).

Difficulties I'm facing: 9 of Wands
Funny how 9 of Wands is the typical exhaustion card, although in this case the woman looks totally zen on top of a ladder. I do need to choose were to put in my time and energy though, echoing the future Card. All in all, not the toughest difficulty to face!

My responsibilities: 6 of Pentacles Rx
This Card seems to depict Halloween, with a child dressed up like a little Devil in front of a plate of cookies. Hmmm, it's my responsibility to keep things between me and my clients even. Sometimes I wish I could work for free and I do a lot of things on the side, but it can't always be that way - or I'd have no cookies left.

What will oppose me: Wheel of Fortune
Sometimes things are just luck of the draw. No matter how well prepared you are - sometimes 2 people turn up sick and your workshop consists of 1 person only. Sometimes I have a hard time dealing with unpredictability, as I tend to predict quite a lot. I guess I will have to deal with it!

What will help me: Page of Cups Rx
A lovely boy is watering Sunflowers! Although I might not always see the results of my clients spreading the word about me, I do know that they do. It might be a bit delayed, but, loving comments will help me move forward.

Hope and Fears: 8 of Wands Rx
When I saw this card I really had to laugh - this one of my old pitfalls. I always worry that things aren't going fast enough or are going too fast! Balance is important to me, but I do need to let go and move with the Flow some more!

What Course of Action to take: 4 of Cups
A woman backs away from a huge offered glass filled with some cocktail and a sword. It shows me that I have to work on accepting new things in my life and at the same time, make sure I do not overdo it. The Cup is almost as big as the woman!

Surroundings or how others see you: The Sun
Oh, such a sweet card, a man is looking pleased being served a good plate of food and a sun with two eggs for eyes is shining above him. So good to know that people around me love my energy and good nature and the nurture I bring.

What you will achieve: 8 of Swords Rx
The poor woman is strapped to a pick and used to serve up an olive. Well, I'm glad if I will achieve the fact that I won't be in there! It shows me that I have to be careful what choices and decisions I make, so I won't end up here.

The message seems to be very clear: a very balanced Spread with Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles and quite some Majors. I have to make some important decisions about the direction of the practice, workshops and classes I'm going to give (and take) and to make sure I don't overdo it!

About Rianne Collignon

Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon writes blog posts to help you achieve your Flow of Miracles. It’s her mission to help people remember their birthright: A happy healthy growing soul. Creating more self awareness, joy and spiritual growth is her passion.

She loves being a teacher and giving clear exercises to help you grow. Besides this blog, she offers a multitude of free tools for spiritual souls on YouTube and Instagram (including Live Sessions).

She has developed her own unique healing technique True Unity to help people find their authentic voice, remove obstacles and step into a new level of healing. You can work with her 1 on 1 by requesting a free intake at https://www.flowofmiracles.com, if you love group work sign up for a workshop/seminar or join the online Circle of Light.

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