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Questions from the Practice: Labels for Psychic Work

By  Rianne Collignon     June 24, 2014    Labels:, 
Dear People,

In communication we all use words as labels so we can communicate clearly. However sometimes people have different interpretations and it becomes quite messy. So, today I'm going to speak about the labels in Psychic Work in both English and Dutch.

Why are there so much different labels for Psychic and Healing work?
Personally, I think that any type of work that is very personal is going to have many different labels. In the field of psychology for example you have the labels psychologist and psychiatrist, but you have a multitude of therapies and modalities ranging from cognitive therapy, psychoanalytic therapy to talk therapy and many others. And besides those types, each therapist might specialize in different fields like for example grieve counseling, trauma counseling or life coaching.

You choose as a therapist which type of work you like to do and often start specializing in that, as well as which type of therapies and healing modalities work for you.

What are the most common labels in Psychic Work?
The most common labels are Medium (Medium) and Psychic (Helderziende/Paragnost) for Psychic Work. However, there are many more like clairvoyant or six-sensory consultant. In Dutch and English we even have words to separate how the Psychic work might be done like cleairaudience (helderhorend), clairvoyant (helderziend), clairsentience (heldervoelend) and claircognizance (helderwetend).

Usually Medium is specifically reserved for people who speak with departed people /Souls (overledenen), but some people use this term as a synonym for Psychic. In Dutch, often "Helderziende" is used as a catch-all term for Psychic, even though technically it means clairvoyant and would mean that the Psychic received their knowledge through vision. Paragnost is the official catch-all term but it's not used that much.

What are the most common labels in Healing Work?
There are so many different healing therapies that it's hard to name common labels. However, there are some catch-all terms like: Healer, which would encompass all types of Healing and Energy Therapist/Energetic Therapist (Energetisch Therapeut) which means a Healer who does some type of Energy Healing (ranging from Reiki, Quantum Touch or their own modality) or works on the Energetic Field. In English, Lightworker (Lichtwerker) is also sometimes used to specify somebody who does healing and spiritual work, but the term isn't used that much in Dutch.

Why did you choose to use Psychic Healer/Helderziende Heler?
While I have Medium abilities and have seen and conversed with departed souls I rarely offer this type of service. When we want to speak with our departed loved one's it's often early on when we just lost them, which isn't the best time for us or for them. If you want more information about my Mediumship click here.

For me the focus of my work is Healing. Often the Healing already begins when people contact me or walk into the practice, due to the high vibration of loving energy present. I work with several types of Healing therapies (Massage Therapy, EFT and Energy Therapy), so using the catch all term sounded right to me!

I do however know I work very differently from most Healers, as I use my Psychic Abilities to hone in on underlying problems, to give advice about past, present and future and I can feel where blockages lie. I often get told during sessions that it's like I know what clients are thinking. I don't mind-read, but I can feel resistance to change, blockages formed from trauma and other Psychic things in a clients Energy Field. Since I prepare sessions, clients often are relieved that they don't have to talk much about what's bothering them because they can just tell me I am right.

So, combining those two I chose Psychic Healer as my label, making sure people know I do have Psychic Gifts, but that Healing is my most important aim.

Want to have a question answered? Leave a message on the blog or Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me.

About Rianne Collignon

Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon writes blog posts to help you achieve your Flow of Miracles. It’s her mission to help people remember their birthright: A happy healthy growing soul. Creating more self awareness, joy and spiritual growth is her passion.

She loves being a teacher and giving clear exercises to help you grow. Besides this blog, she offers a multitude of free tools for spiritual souls on YouTube and Instagram (including Live Sessions).

She has developed her own unique healing technique True Unity to help people find their authentic voice, remove obstacles and step into a new level of healing. You can work with her 1 on 1 by requesting a free intake at https://www.flowofmiracles.com, if you love group work sign up for a workshop/seminar or join the online Circle of Light.

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