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Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon's blog: posts about spiritual lessons, her work and her services
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Dear People,

The world would be a better place if we'd all be able to express our own personal truth. If we'd all be able to see through lies, through delusions and focus on reality. We are often easy to deceive because we want to believe something is true or we fear something is true. To be able to make the right choices for us, we need to face up to the truth. So today, let's affirm our ability to see, express and acknowledge truth!

I write my affirmations in different levels so you can see what resonates with you and what you want to work on. You might start with a lower level that resonates and then move your way up. 
Stay focused on truth by listening to the 5 minute Truth Manifestation Meditation on my YouTube Channel.

Pick and choose what works for you and affirm away (I recommend three times a day if you can manage it).
I acknowledge the truth of my body
I acknowledge the truth of my feelings
I acknowledge the truth of my thoughts
I acknowledge the truth of my spirit
I acknowledge the truth of myself
I choose to see the truth of the situation
I choose to see the truth of the conflict
I choose to see the truth of the choices

I find the truth of my past
I find the truth of my present
I find the truth of my future
I embrace the truth of my talents
I embrace the truth of my skills
I embrace the truth of my value
I embrace the truth of my soul purpose
I embrace the truth of my spirit

I choose to see my truth
I find my truth
I acknowledge my truth
I embrace my truth
I love my truth
I express my truth
I live my truth

I choose the see the truth of my relationship
I choose the see the truth of my friendships
I choose the see the truth of my connections
I am open to listening to the truth of others
I am willing to see the truth of others
I am able to understand the truth of others
I give others the space to express their truth

Have an affirmation you want to share? Don't hesitate to post it in a comment on the blog or on the Facebook Fan Page or watch the past Instagram Live about affirmations. You can also share your affirmation stories in the practice or by e-mail.


Dear people,


Of course we all like to succeed. And sometimes we feel that when we have God's/Heaven's/Higher Power's/Universes' blessing, when we're walking our soul path, that means that we'll only have success after success after success. And while, of course, I acknowledge that would be really nice, that is not my experience. We sometimes need to learn our lessons and sometimes we desire things or people that aren't right for us. So today I am talking to you about times when we are destined to fail.

Destined to fail 

When we fail, we can have two choices. We can choose to be bitter and upset. Or we can choose to trust that that wasn't the right thing for us. It's hard to accept, but maybe we were actually are needed somewhere else, be with somebody else or do something else entirely.

Example: Buying our House

When I was house hunting with my husband, that was a huge sellers market. So we decided to first sell his apartment and then only to start looking for a home for the both of us. And that meant that his apartment is sold really quick within only a couple of weeks. But also that we have spent a long time looking at houses afterwards.

When we finally found one that we both agreed on, we bid on it, but it didn't get sold to us. It was a huge bidding war. But since we only just started looking, we decided of course that it was just the start. But in the months after that, we could not really find anything that we were willing to bid on. And my husband was getting more and more nervous because due to financial reasons, the best thing to do for us was to buy a house within a certain period of the sale of his old appartment.

And finally, we saw another property that we would like to buy, so we bid on it, and we heard that it was just us and another potential buyer. And that was because COVID just started and we were in our first lockdown. And of course, everybody was saying that we were insane and that the housing market was likely to crash and we should just wait.

But we really liked the house so we decided to put an offer in. And again, our bid wasn't accepted. We had the highest bid but the couple we were bidding against actually didn't need to get a mortgage, they could pay in cash. So the sellers went with a cash offer.

So that evening, my husband was very dejected and very angry and he said, "I really thought that that was going to be our home and I am so angry. We spend months looking at houses and we still don't have one."
And I told him, "Look, we were destined to fail that wasn't our home, and if it is our home, the other buyers are going to go and drop out and we'll be called back asking if we want to still stand by our offer or not. But I told him, "That is obviously not our home."

And I asked him if he was willing to do some healing work with me so that he could let go of his anger and his disappointment and so we could move forward to the home that was ours. So I'm happy that he was willing to do that with me.

And then the next day I saw our home and I said, "Look, that's our home." And it was in the same street of the house that went into that bidding war. It's just a small street, so we were lucky to find another property for sale there within the same year. So we went to visit there and we made an offer. And we got the call a day later that the house was hours. We are very happily living there. And it really felt that it was destined to be our home.


Because we got this property almost a year later, we were able to save a lot more money and able to do a lot of renovations. And because it was during COVID lockdowns, we managed to snag somebody to actually do it for us because we could just offer him an empty house and the keys. Everything just fell into place wonderfully.

And we wouldn't have been there if we won the bidding war. We wouldn't have been there if we won the bid on the second property. So for us, the third time was the charm. 


Example from a client: miscarriage

When I was working with a client, some grief from a miscarriage came up during her session. She told me that it was devastating was it was the only time she managed to get pregnant and she had loved to be able to be a mother to a living child. 


Miscarriages are hard on the mind, body and soul for almost all people. Some people find meaning or manage their grief, while for others, it can be an open wound. Grief is always a deeply personal journey. So this example does not speak for others.


While she was able to release layers of grief she told me how much better her life had been afterwards. Something was set right in her body - as some major health issues resolved. Something was set right in her life - she recognized that her relationship wasn't right for her and that a child tethering her to that person would have been dangerous for her. She was able be thankful and extended gratitude to the soul she had felt and the experience she went through.  

Destined to fail exercise

If you look back, you might also find instances where after not getting your first pick, you found out that what you received instead was much better. It might be a second relationship, it might be that third bid on a house, it might be that third job offer or even something completely different. Staying in tune with what is right for you, allows you to find patience for the times where it seems you are living setback after setback.

  • Take around 15-20 minutes for this exercise
  • Make sure you are comfortable and can't be disturbed by your phone etc.
  • Close your eyes 
  • Take yourself back towards a time where you felt a painful failure
  • Ask for help from Higher Power, God, The Universe, your Guides etc. to release any pain, guilt, self attack or other negativity to be released
  • Breathe in and out slowly and fill yourself up with Inner Peace
  • Ask if you have already received your better path - if you have - feel grateful
  • If you haven't received it yet - ask to be filled with trust
  • Gently open your eyes, drink a bit of water and do some grounding 

If you want to share your experience with times you failed and it gave you what you needed, you can email me, post a comment here on the blog or send me a message on the Facebook Fan Page or on Instagram.