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Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon's blog: posts about spiritual lessons, her work and her services
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Dear People,

It's been a while since I wrote about the joys of Psychic Life. Not because I haven't had any joy, but mostly because I've been focusing on my other article series. So now I'm back to talk a little bit more about my life and what happens differently because I'm a Psychic Healer. Today I want to talk about Fantasizing and how I do it.

Positive Fantasizing
A lot of people do 'negative fantasizing', also called 'worrying'. When we go out and distract our mind with all kinds of negative stories that we create. Often, our worries never come true, yet we still engage in the same behavior.

Positive Fantasizing can be anything from daydreaming about the kind of life, love or job you want to be to brainstorming and making lists on what goals you want to achieve. For some of us, that can be an escape that comes to nothing, but if you work with energy, especially spiritually, you can create from your own desires.


You can take your ideas and visualize them. Research has shown that athletes that visualize their exercises will create benefits for their 'real' play. The power of the mind is so interesting and I hope we will see more research in the coming years. So, as a Psychic, I often visualize what I want to create coming towards me or appearing in my life.

Sometimes I make a movie, where I see myself doing the things I want to do, hearing, feeling and smelling them. Sometimes I visualize an object that I want to have and how it feels to use that in my daily life.

Once I have something I really want to achieve or just a goal I want to work on and I find myself fantasizing about it a lot, I will often make an affirmation for myself to repeat and enjoy. Sometimes I spend some time using hand lettering to create a work of art with an affirmation.  Creative work helps me reaffirm easily and happily. I tend to sing them too sometimes.

Law of Attraction
I don't consciously work with the law of attraction much, although I know a lot of people who use it through affirmations and visualization, so I guess they might say I use it a lot. Most of my law of attraction work is unconsciously done. I hear myself say and talk about what I want and I trust it will appear.

This has gotten me loads of discounts and other beautiful situations in which things worked out just like I would have wanted it/for the best.

Last, but certainly  not least, is that I listen to what I can do to start creating my positive and better life. Sometimes I drawn towards new situations and people, sometimes I'm told to do some more work on areas of my life and sometimes I'm just told to relax and enjoy. 

So, today, set some time aside to think or feel what you really want to create in your life. Fantasize about your 'better life', about who would be in it, what would be happening in it etc.. Then go out and try one of the things I do to create it for yourself.

Want to share you own positive story or ask me questions about this? Post a comment on the blog or Facebook Fan Page, e-mail me or talk to me in the practice!
Dear People,

Today I'm writing some EFT sentences to help with frustration. For a lot of us, frustration is a daily or weekly happening. We know we shouldn't respond in this way or feel it so acutely, but since it's a fact of life, we almost never do healing work on it. While frustration isn't a bad thing per se, having it happen often or mounting up fast, can be a serious energy drain.

So start dealing with any left over frustration by using EFT as a road to inner peace.
Old frustration
Even though I'm still frustrated about this, I choose to let go
Even though I'm still frustrated about situation X from the past, I choose to let go
Even though I still feel frustration when I think about situation X, I choose to let go
Even though I still feel frustration when I think about person X, I choose to let go
Even though I still feel frustrated about my past, I choose to be at peace

Allowing mistakes
Even though I'm often frustrated with myself, I choose to be kind
Even though I'm often frustrated with others, I choose to be kind and forgiving
Even though I'm often frustrated with institutions, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated in traffic, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated at work, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated with administration, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated with situation X, I choose to be at peace
Even though I'm often frustrated with person Y, I choose to be at peace

Quickly releasing frustration
Even though I feel frustrated, I quickly let go
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to see the bright side
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to see the humor
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to be relaxed
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to smile
Even though I feel frustrated, I choose to release all frustration

A less frustrated life
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be laid back
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be kind
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be full of humor
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be full of laughter
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be at peace
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be joyful
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to be happy
Even though it's easy to find sources of frustration, I choose to search for the silver linings

Want to chat about dealing with frustration? Post a message on the blog, Facebook Fan Page or e-mail me for a personalized EFT sentence!